
Mai - Princess ∞ Candy

21/12/2008 2008-12-21 12:00:00 JaME Author: meg

Mai - Princess ∞ Candy

Princess ∞ Candy was Mai's last single before the release of MAISELF in 2006.

Single CD

Princess ∞ Candy


Mai is a J-pop singer from Hokkaido with Avex Records. She started her career under the name Ruppina in 2003 and has had her songs featured in Japanese television shows. Princess ∞ Candy was her last single released in 2006 before Maiself. Its A-side track was the opening theme for the drama "Kaikan Shokunin."

At first listen, Princess ∞ Candy seems like it might go DDR on you with the fast paced chime opening, but when the calming guitar enters into the song, it's clear the song is taking a different direction. Mai's vocals are equally relaxing, and while her voice is easy on the ears and enjoyable, the slow progression of the song is almost painful. You know it's building up, but you're also hoping it is building to a specific point and the song will give us fireworks. Princess ∞ Candy delivers drama, but more in sugar and sparkles than in flashy bursts. The chorus is a flood of sweet vocals with a much faster and appealing beat, but it returns to the slow beat soon after. While the song is cute, Princess ∞ Candy falls short of its potential, making what could have been a great track merely good.

Moon Tears is true to its name, and it's clear this will be a sad ballad from the first few seconds of the piano opening. This song has a beautiful symphonic arrangement, and while it's very slow, it is a comforting track. The biggest disappointment from the song is Mai's vocals, which seem sort of muffled and far away instead of crystal clear like its A-side counterpart. She also tries to hit notes that are a little too high at some points, and you can hear a slight amount of strain. Despite this, the instrumentals make this song one that shouldn't be missed and a strong rival for the best track on this single.

The single includes the instrumental versions of both songs, which is a lovely addition. Princess ∞ Candy's chorus still includes background vocals, but they're very soft and a pleasant surprise. Both are very well arranged, and without the vocals we can hear all the additional manipulation, adding to the appreciation of the songs.

All in all, Princess ∞ Candy is a good single. While both songs have a similar theme, the single delivers a good pop beat without going extreme in any direction, and it's definitely worth a listen.

Related Artists

Mai © JaME

Related Releases

Single CD 2006-08-16 2006-08-16