Live Report

INORAN Butterfly Effect Tour Final

03/12/2008 2008-12-03 12:00:00 JaME Author: Kay

INORAN Butterfly Effect Tour Final

Report of INORAN's tour final at the C.C.Lemon Hall on November 24th.

© INORAN - King Records
It was rainy and cold on the 24th of November, the day that the final concert of INORAN's Butterfly Effect tour took place. The fans that were lining up in front of the C.C.Lemon Hall armed with umbrellas and thick coats didn't seem at all fazed by the bad weather. Though the concert wasn't sold out, there was hardly an empty chair to be seen as the hall slowly filled with people.

A little later than planned, the main house lights went off and the stage was left illuminated by just a few small lights as the intro, an instrumental track played. As the lights gradually turned on again, the six members of INORAN's band came on stage as the audience cheered them on. The keyboard player, DJ and drummer took their spots on the risers at the back of the stage, whilst the two guitarists and the bassist took their places at the front of the stage, leaving the centre stage space for INORAN himself.

Once again, it went dark and INORAN made his way on stage, first only visible as a dark shape, but this was enough to make the fans scream their lungs out. Immediately, the band launched into the first song, Cheval's palace is here during which INORAN played an acoustic guitar as he sang. He looked and sounded confident right from the start. He was wearing jeans, a white dress shirt and tie with a black jacket on top. He looked both classy and casual at the same time.

The seats proved useless as the fans refrained from sitting down and just stood instead. During I'll the audience jumped along enthusiastically with the upbeat, rocky song. INORAN moved from his spot in the middle of the stage to walk around the stage as he sang. His movements seemed a little laid-back as he moved around slightly cautiously.

After I'll, he held a short MC to welcome the audience and wish them a fun time at the concert. Felicidad, an older song was up next, and the videoscreen at the back of the stage glowed warmly in yellow and red to match the gentle atmosphere of the soothing song. After another one of his older songs, I swear, the setlist reverted back to his newest album apocalypse which featured the instrumental trip-hop like Between eyes #1, during which the band members took a small break.

During the next song Regret the atmosphere of the concert changed and became much calmer and serious. The same mood continued with Toki no Soretsu during which an animation of water was shown at the screen, which enhanced the feeling of the song. INORAN's vocals were slightly distorted and he stood quite still with a concentrated expression on his face as he sang sorrowfully.

After another instrumental track, the band started up with Sennenka during which INORAN joined the electronic beat on guitar, drawing out the intro to create a little jam session. The live show was being filmed and in the background and often the camera-arm could be seen, craning its neck like a curious animal across the nearly dark stage. INORAN ended the song by singing the last part a capella, a single spotlight illuminating him as his voice sounded deep and warm throughout the venue.

After hydrangea, another MC followed and the fans were completely silent while they waited for INORAN to start speaking. He let out a big sigh first which resulted in a wave of laughter in response. INORAN told the fans how he found the title of his album apocalypse hard to pronounce. He went on to say that he often received a confused "huh?" in response whenever he mentioned the albums name to people. He continued to explain that the new album had felt like a growing up experience, and he thanked everyone for their inspiration. He then introduced the next song, Walk Along, and asked everyone to sing along. The audience responded willingly and enthusiastically and waved their hands in time to the optimistic sounding song.

Next up was the member introduction, during which INORAN left the stage. The DJ spoke and had the fans call out the band member's names. Several jokes were made. Amongst the jokes it was mentioned that it often rained during INORAN's concerts, so "inorain" seemed like a more appropriate name. Soon after INORAN joined the band again and this time he was wearing a black t-shirt. He asked the fans to enjoy the next songs and show a lot of passion. The audience responded to such an extent that during 9th the building started to tremble because of all the audience members jumping up and down.

During the first part of the live, INORAN was mostly standing still and calmly walking around the stage, but it seemed as though he was gradually loosening up as the concert progressed. He was now moving around to the beat of the songs and dancing a little to the upbeat numbers Unstoppable, Determine and Right Away. The intro of raize had a triphop like feel again with the DJ scratching and pounding drumbeats. INORAN started to play guitar again and he looked out at the audience with a happy, satisfied look on his face.

Let me down was the last song of the evening. It sounded much heavier than the original song on the apocalypse album. It still had an incredibly optimistic feeling to it, and the feeling transferred to the fans leaving a cheerful atmosphere throughout the audience.

Surprisingly and unfortunately, there was no encore and the fans gave up on calling for one as the band left the stage and main house lights turned on again. In conclusion, INORAN had delivered a great show of high quality and he had performed a truly excellent musical rendition his album apocalypse. While most people overseas pay most attention to projects of the other LUNA SEA members it is true to say that INORAN is a fantastic artist and performer. His concerts are definitely worth checking out!

Set list:

01. The beginning and the end
02. Cheval's place is here
03. I'll
04. Felicidad
05. I swear
-Between eyes#1-
06. Regret
07. Toki no Soretsu
08. Instrumental arrangement
09. Sennenka
10. Hydrangea
11. Walk along
-MC (member introduction)-
12. 9th
13. Unstoppable
14. Determine
15. Rightaway
16. raize
17. Let me down

JaME would like to thank Mr. Aochi for the opportunity and Mr. Tsuchida for the translations.


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