Live Report

LM.C live in the US at Crash Mansion

23/12/2008 2008-12-23 12:00:00 JaME Author: Jess

LM.C live in the US at Crash Mansion

A live report of LM.C's first American oneman at Los Angeles' Crash Mansion on July 5, 2008

Outside of the Anime Expo convention, LM.C had scheduled a separate gig just down the road at Los Angeles’s Crash Mansion. Fans who had gotten a taste of LM.C’s "New Century Electrock" at their performance after Anime Expo’s "Battle of the Bands" lined the sidewalk as early as 6am, eager to see the band once more. After security shifted the lines of waiting fans, it wasn’t much longer until the venue opened it’s doors.

As the stage was having the final set-up touches made, the eager crowd began to chant "Rock, rock the LM.C". Despite the lack of solid air-conditioning, the chanting persevered against the heat and fatigue the fans were staving off. Finally, two ski-masked roadies walked on stage and waved their hands in the air, encouraging the audience to cheer. As No.9 blared through the venues speakers, LM.C’s support members came out onstage, one by one, each waving the audience to cheer louder. Keyboardist JayKay came out first and took his place while drummer KAEDE picked up his drumsticks. Bassist HIKO slung his bass over his shoulder while performer DENKIMAN waved his gloved hands at the audience, the plastic mohawk of his full-head skull mask shaking from his movements. The crowd went wild as guitarist Aiji walked across the stage, giving a wave, while vocalist maya walked up to the front center.

Picking up the microphone, LM.C kicked off into the first song of the night, Loud_Mucker_Complex. The excitement in the venue grew as Aiji danced and made faces on the side of the stage while maya paced the front, waving his hand in the air to the music. OH MY JULIET. was next. Aiji joined maya at the front center of the stage while DENKI-MAN crossed the stage, throwing his arms in the air, rallying the audience.

"Yeah!" maya called, starting the first MC of the night, "What’s up L.A.?! Are you ready to dance? Are you guys ready?" The audience went wild, shouting "Yeah!" *BOOST+BUSTERz* sounded through the venue, causing the audience to jump up and down, unable to stand still to the upbeat music. As the venue’s floor shook, maya danced with his hands, getting the audience to follow along. HIKO and Aiji stood together in front of KAEDE’s drumset and played together while JayKay sang the chorus. DENKI-MAN jumped around the stage shouting "Boost Busterz!" as maya cupped his hand to his ear, motioning for everyone to shout along louder.

Clapping his hands together for the next song, Bell the CAT, the audience followed maya’s example, clapping their hands together high up in the air above their heads. While playing, Aiji motioned to the monitor next him on stage and motioned to the masked stage hand that stood behind him that the sound needed to be adjusted. After a quick adjustment, Aiji stepped forward to play out the rest of the song while DENKI-MAN paced the front of the stage along the edge, clapping his hands together until the end of the song.

mR. century raised the crowd’s energy higher as everyone surged forward into each other, screaming when prompted by maya putting his hands to his ears. As Aiji did the sound distortion, maya looked over the crowd that continued to surge forward even though they had nowhere to go, and mouthed "are you okay?" to the fans caught in the center. Appreciative of his genuine concern, the cheers grew louder. Everyone was indeed okay.

Crowd participation grew during Haunted House make a Secret as JayKay demonstrated the hand furi. Following suit, the audience motioned with their hands in unison. DENKI-MAN circled the stage before returning behind his cymbal setup. After marble-s, maya walked back to the small stand and recollected himself. Random shouts and screams sounded through the crowd while they eagerly awaited what was to come next.

Finally, maya turned around. "You having a good day? L.A. is hot!" Surveying the audience, maya asked if there was anyone who could translate for him, just like he had at the Anime Expo Battle of the Bands. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find the girl who had translated for him then, so instead one of the staff stepped onstage to help. Giving her a microphone, she translated for maya. Pretending to be serious, maya said "You guys are so quiet!" The audience laughed in reply. Encouraging Aiji to talk, Aiji stepped forward. "What's up? Are you ready?!" The eager crowd surged forward in answer. maya took to the mic again, "Back! Back!" he motioned with his hands, "Don't get too rowdy if you're going to push!" Continuing with the MC, maya told the audience he loved them. "If I say, 'Yeah!' then you say, 'Yeah!' If I say, 'Woo!' then you say, 'Woo!'. That's a Japanese thing." After testing it out with the audience, maya shouted a tongue twister that the audience tried but failed to repeat. Laughing, he explained it was a tongue twister before moving on. "Are you good at shaking your head? I'm used to the Japanese shaking their heads hard so are you going to do it? Next song, when I say go, you head bang. Now it's our new single, 88."

After playing 88, the crowd went wild with their headbanging during CRAZY A GO GO. Aiji and HIKO switched sides while maya dumped water on the audience. For @FUNNY PHANTOM@, DENKI-MAN strung red Christmas lights around his head. During METALLY, maya had the whole venue singing along to the "woh woh" parts. The temprature in the venue continued to rise and the stage hands began to hand out water bottles to people in the audience that looked like they really needed it. During Boon!! DENKI-MAN and JayKay each put on one giant white Mickey Mouse-like glove and began to wave them in the air back and forth throughout the whole song.

A brief MC took place afterwards. maya shouted "Yeah!" back and forth with the audience a few times, getting them to repeat everything he did, until he decided to roll his tongue which the audience found hard to repeat. With everyone laughing together, Sentimental PIGgy Romance was next.

Not only a crowd favorite, but it seemed like one of the band's favorite songs to perform. Making faces and bouncing around the stage, maya grabbed an audience member's fan and finished off the song making faces behind it and revealing them as he twisted the fan around in the air as if he were dancing with it. Once the song completely finished, he handed back the fan to the person he took it from and moved on to play Yellow Beauty.

After someone in the audience handed a banner that was made for the band to maya, he gave it to DENKI-MAN who handed it off to the stage hands who pulled it across the front of KAEDE's drumset and displayed it. Now, it was time for the member introductions.

After introducing all the members, maya had Aiji introduce himself. "Do you know me?" Aiji asked, causing the audience to go wild. "This is Aiji!" maya answered before introducing himself. Having found the girl from the other night that had translated for him, she translated his MC live, once again. "You having fun? We're coming back so we can have some more fun. You know, we all have different worries. Americans and Japanese are different and have different worries but we all have to follow our dreams."

Throwing confetti on the crowd, BOYS&GIRLS started. Taking a hat that read 'LM.C' across the front from someone in the audience, maya looked at it and smiled before sticking it on KAEDE's head. During JOHN, DENKI-MAN ran around the stage and then stopped, stood on the edge and pumped his hands in the air. JayKay did the whistling part into the microphone while the stage hands on the side did the running man dance along to the music.

It wouldn't be an LM.C concert without maya throwing his signature lolipops out at the audience, and during LIAR LIAR, he did just that. Getting together in the center of the stage, the band rocked together before throwing out giant different colored beach balls with the LM.C logo on them for little Fát Màn boy. Fans hit the giant balls in every which direction, some making their way back to the stage just to be instantly hit back out into the audience by the band.

Taking away the beach balls, ☆Rock the LM.C☆ began as maya chanted "Rock, rock the LM.C!" and then requested the audience to jump with him. The stage hand on Aiji's side pulled out a giant hat in the shape of a hand giving the peace sign that was colored like the American flag. maya reached out far into the crowd to grab people's hands but got stuck in the midst of everyone's jumping and nearly got pulled in. After getting his arm out of the crowd, maya fixed his wristbands and went back to the audience, this time giving high-fives. After tossing out water bottles and picks, Aiji and maya shouted "Thank you very much!" as everyone left the stage.

The house lights came up, but the stage hands remained, not making a move. The band had made it seem like the show was over, and the venue had turned on the lights, but the amps weren't being turned off. Confused as if they should stay or go, the audience finally began weak calls for an encore that grew stronger as more people came back to the stage. Enticed byt the audience's calls, DENKI-MAN ran out onstage and waved his arms in the air, motioning for everyone to be louder. Finally maya called "Everyone, please be louder!" and the band came back out for a surprise encore and played OH MY JULIET. and BOYS&GIRLS once more after the house lights were lowered once again. After the encores were over, the band threw their remaining water bottles and picks and slapped a few more hands. maya grabbed the rest of his lolipops and the stand they were displayed in and threw them all out into the audience. Leaving the stage, they called one final "Thank you!"

Set List

SE- No.9
Bell the CAT
Haunted House make a Secret
Sentimental PIGgy Romance
Yellow Beauty
little Fát Màn boy
☆Rock the LM.C☆



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