Live Report

RENTRER EN SOI - THE WAR OF MEGIDDO ~ Jikokaiki Saishuushou

07/02/2009 2009-02-07 12:00:00 JaME Author: Non-non

RENTRER EN SOI - THE WAR OF MEGIDDO ~ Jikokaiki Saishuushou

RENTRER EN SOI's gave an emotional last live on Christmas day 2008 at Shibuya Club Quattro.

© RENTRER EN SOI - Takaaki Henmi
The live house was located in the center of Shibuya, where it is always crowded with young people even during the week. In the lobby, there were many flowers that had been sent in to congratulate the band for their last live. There were also many non-Japanese, reflecting the popularity of this band overseas.

The stage lit up with a blue light and the instrumental song Kai began; the members appeared and the live started with LAST SCENE. Fans raised their hands and waved them from side to side with the melody. "Come on!" Satsuki shouted, the audience raised their fists together and UNENDING SANCTUARY started with great force. Ryo's bass roared low, Mika's drums burst with noise and the two guitarists, Takumi and Shun created a thick, heavy world of sound. Satsuki made good use of his voice, singing clearly at times while using his death voice at others and making the sign of the cross on his chest.

"I wanted to see you! Ride on tonight so you won't regret later!" In JUST MAD PAIN, smoke was shot out high into the air in synchronization with the drums, bass and guitar. The melody was beautiful and fans punched their fists into the air and headbanged. "Let me hear your voices!" In CRUSADE, Mika hit the drums powerfully, Shun headbanged and played guitar hard and Takumi played a guitar solo which rang sorrowfully. When STIGMATA started with its beautiful piano intro, female fans got excited and screamed. Satsuki sang under a blue light with his clear voice, which sounded so beautiful and sad with the backing by powerful drums, bass and thick guitar playing. "Can you hear me?" Satsuki put his hand on his chest and sang enthusiastically. The slow, heavy song THORNY PAIN BREAK started with Takumi's guitar. Satsuki used falsetto a lot, covered his face with his both hands and expressed his internal agony. The pain of his pure heart stung the listeners’ hearts sharply. In DAMNATION, the audience punched their fists into the air and clapped along. Satsuki opened his hands wide and looked up to heaven. Mika's bass drums and Ryo's bass shook the floor, and Shun headbanged and scratched his guitar sharply while Takumi's distorting guitar sounded psychedelically in the air.

In blue light, the mid-tempo ballad Taiyou no todokanai basho started quietly with a synthesized SE. Shun played guitar edgily and sharply, Takumi played the guitar freely and Satsuki's beautiful voice rang sorrowfully throughout the song. Satsuki stretched his hand as though trying to reach the sun, and without a microphone he made his voice resound in the venue while other members stopped playing. The next song was the slow ballad Tsuki ga maiorirukotononai daichi, which started with Mika's drums. Ryo's bass rolled across clear guitar and piano sounds that were scattered beautifully across the music. In LAST WORD「 」, Takumi and Shun played acoustic guitars while Ryo played bass gently creating a gentle mood. Satsuki enthusiastically sang the sorrowful love song of never seeing his lover again, making good use of his falsetto. Shinwa followed, and a sad story was told using the piano and strings.

"Here we go, Tokyo! Let's be wild everyone, so you won't regret anything!" At this, the mood changed totally, and MURDER INTENT started with a computerized beat. In the flashing light, the audience raised their fists and jumped to the explosions of the drums, bass, guitars and death voice. "That's not enough! Show me all your might!" In the following BAPTISM, fans raised their fists all together, and the venue was stormy with their headbanging. The members headbanged too and played their instruments wildly. "Show me more! That’s not enough yet!" Satsuki shouted, going on to use his death voice. In the killer tune AMONGST FOOLISH ENEMIES, thick sounds from the unison of drums, bass and guitar flew like bullets one after another and rocked the bodies in the audience "Last! Be wild everyone! Jump!" Bunretsu LE+DD Junkaku started with a piano SE then burst into a flood of sound. Fans raised their hands and jumped while members headbanged and played hard at the front of the stage. Bass drums and bass guitar roared while an edgy, cutting lead guitar made a wall of heavy sound. Satsuki's death voice and shouting kept the live running high until the end.

"Heat up tonight! Let's burn today's live! Are you ready?" With this, the members were pumped up and then the encore started with the mid-tempo, heavy rock song Seishinshi 13 dome. The momentum never seemed to decrease as they dashed into THE ABYSS OF DESPAIR and then I HATE MYSELF AND WANT To DIE. The audience punched their fists to the heavy, low sound explosion. In the second encore, the band members changed their costumes for black T-shirts, and Satsuki thanked to fans. "I'm really happy to see you. Thank you so much. We'll play the song which we played before often." Mizu yumemiru choucho started. Ryo's bass bounced rhythmically, and the guitarists played soft melodies. Then, a clear synthesizer SE led to into the sky. This song was impressive with its catchy pop melodies and beautiful twin guitars. Fans raised their hands and waved them to the refreshing sound.

"Burn out tonight! Are you ready to rampage? Let's go to the limit!" Then, the heavy, upbeat rock song Haikyo to kashita hakoniwa began. In the flashing light, the audience raised their fists and the venue became stormy with their headbanging again. Ryo stood center stage and roared on his bass as Ichigo Oblaat started. Red light flashed as the members played, headbanged and moved around on the stage. Satsuki raised his hands, growled, pointed to the audience and kept stirring them up: "One more song! We can't finish yet!" In the killer tune Fuyuu tsuisou, smoke was shot out over explosive bass and fast drumbeats. After Takumi played a quick guitar solo, he surprised everyone by flinging his guitar to the floor and smashing it; it was clear he was overwhelmed with emotion.

"We experienced many things for seven and a half years, however, we'll conclude the story of RENTRER EN SOI today. We thank you to be able to conclude this story. We experienced more tough things than pleasant things, but when I thought about you all, I understood what I should say and what I should think. The answer was 'RENTRER EN SOI (return to self).' I'll give my word that we'll meet you when we are born again. We promise." To this announcement, screams and calls of the members' names rang throughout the venue, and the band replied with METEMPSYCHOSIS. Mika shook his head and hit the drums with all his strength. Satsuki leaned on the microphone stand, bent his head and started singing. He stretched out his hand as though he were trying to grab something far from him.

After the live finished, the calls for an encore never seemed to stop. The members re-appeared for the audience and said, "We have 2 songs left until the story of 'RENTRER EN SOI' concludes. I'm very sad to think that we can't be members of RENTRER EN SOI like this anymore." Many fans were crying as Satsuki continued. "Whatever happens in the future, the memories that we have worked hard for over the past seven and a half years will never die. So I want you to hold this scene here tonight in your minds and work hard for your future. The next song was made when RENTRER EN SOI had just begun." Hamon tsutau memai started, and the bright, catchy song with clear synthesizer and twin guitar soothed some of the sobbing fans. Satsuki put his hand on his chest, looked up to the heavens and sang with all his might. When the performance stopped, the audience sang in one big chorus over and over again.

"Until now I have written various lyrics such as 'reality is a chaos' and 'I can't understand the meaning to live,' but I could sing because you listened to my words. We'll end the history of RENTRER EN SOI with the next song." Shouts of "no way!" and "thank you!" filled the venue at the same time, while many of fans were sobbing and crying. "Never forget and let this burn in your memories." With a beautiful melody of piano and acoustic guitars, STAY GOLD started. "Please don't forget the days when we met, when we walked together with smiles and tears." Satsuki comforted the fans, even as the song continued. "Now I want to send you the words 'thank you' as I am able to continue because you stood by me." Then, the performance finally finished. "We promise to meet you when we are born again. Even if you lose your way in the future, remember this scene, and you will be fine! Thank you!" With these final words, the members left. Many fans broke down into tears while others clapped and clapped, and the words "thank you!" reverberated throughout the venue.

Set list:




Taiyou no todokanai basho
Tsuki ga maiorirukotononai daichi


Bunretsu LE+DD Junkaku

En-1. Seishinshi 13 dome

En-4. Mizu yumemiru choucho
En-5. into the sky

En-6. Haikyo to kashita hakoniwa
En.-7. Ichigo Oblaat
En-8. Fuyuu tsuisou


En-10. Hamon tsutau memai



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