
Mink - Sense

14/01/2009 2009-01-14 12:00:00 JaME Author: Jade

Mink - Sense

Mink shows why she's a success throughout Asia

© Avex Entertainment Inc.
Single CD + DVD



Mink has already proven herself in the Asian musical scene, especially thanks to her beautiful deep voice which distinguishes her from other singers. Her song Together Again earned her a lot of attention when it was selected to be the ending of the anime Vexile. Here, we're going to review her single entitled Sense.

In the first track, Sense, Mink offers us a sweet piano introduction. The melody is familiar and it wouldn’t be a stretch to compare this song to the kind of music found in an OST for a movie. Sense is a ballad with a sweet and recurrent rhythm, and when she begins the song with her deep and warm voice we can only stop and listen attentively. It's very easy to imagine a story for this song or have a special scene in mind. The beginning of the chorus is in English: "Bye, bye, I wanna hold you tight", and Mink takes her voice into the high registers without any mistakes.

In the second track, Love is, Mink gives us another love song with another piano introduction, which she is fond of. This ballad is a little more cadenced and her voice seems perfect for this kind of musical style. This song is similar to the preceding track, but at 3 minutes, she shows us a great demonstration of her voice and delivers the notes without failing.

However, after those two tracks, the style changes with the song Guilty As Sin, one of the best on the release. We can easily hear her broken and deliciously sensual voice. The style is lightly jazzy and the lyrics in English produce a captivating effect. The rhythm is soft and gentle and we get carried away by the music. Mink seems to have the talent to make us forget everything, especially in this song. The classical guitar and a drum further emphasize the feeling of smoothness.

Finally, Amazing Grace is the last track and if fans couldn't be at her concert in the summer of 2007, they will be thrilled to listen to this song. This live is clearly a success. When Mink's voice begins, with just a light musical background, we can only be impressed by her talent. Her deep and husky voice astonishes us, she takes total control of the song which is entirely in English again, and with the entrance of the drum, the real song starts. Right off we are reminded of gospel music and when the chorus comes in with so many gospel style voices, we might wonder if Mink isn't an American singer; Her voice gives her an originality very rare in Asia . We are pleasantly surprised and totally immersed in the song. She doesn't make any mistakes and this fragment of the live shows her at her best.

Mink has many resources and in the DVD version the fans will be able to see Sense's MV, which is as sweet as the song. We can only hope that we will see her soon on the musical scene again.

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