
Casker - Polyester Heart

15/04/2009 2009-04-15 12:00:00 JaME Author: hanachan Translator: hanachan & Andrea

Casker - Polyester Heart

Naturalness and Effectiveness: Review of the latest album of the electronica duo.

© Pastel Music
Album CD

Polyester Heart


The Korean electronica music scene is not really well-known yet, whether abroad or even in its own territory, where just a few names such as Clazziquai (just to mention the most famous band) managed to rise to fame, gathering an audience which usually listens to mainstream pop. However, Casker is one of the most worthy spokespersons of the electronica scene which deserves to be listened to.

Casker themselves describes Polyester Heart as "the most natural and gentle album they have released." It is true that this album is very simple with a lot of modesty. The album's cover is the first evidence of this, depicting only the band's name written in sky blue on an all-white background, and the album's title written in small size at the bottom of the cover.

Then, we just have to listen to the tracks to be really aware of this naturalness: there are no big electronic effects, and no grandiloquence in their music, which is simple and effective. This is conveyed though the first tracks. First of all, Yeok gwang is a light intro, dark and bright at the same time. It's a good track to begin with. Then come Bichuisigan and You, two electro-pop songs with bright and catchy melodies, on which Lee Yungjin's calm and controlled voice brings soft and relaxing feelings. These increase with Chitsol , in which the slow rhythm brings a nice and intimate atmosphere.

Teum and Adrenaline are more dynamic, and even though Yungjin doesn't go on further with her voice, the dynamism isn't wasted. There are good arrangements and the music is fine but not striking. Besides, even if there are many good songs in this album, there are other songs which are nice to listen to, but not really irreplaceable. That's the case with Bingbing for instance. It's a lounge-style track, ordinary and not unforgettable. Similarly, Manyage hokssi, is a banal ballad song which is nice to listen to but not memorable, and Amudo moreunda is at a lower level compared to the best songs, despite its simultaneous conveyance of perky and melancholic feelings.

To say that this album is a simple electro-pop record would be wrong considering the large variety of styles and instruments used in it. In addition to the synthesizer, there is a lot of 'natural' instruments heard throughout the album. This is the case for the track Bimil, for example. Starting with a lounge type of tempo, like the ones you could hear in a hotel lobby, it suddenly changes to a more dancing and quick pace rhythm with the entrance of a guitar and piano. Certainly one of the best songs in the album, next to 2wol, a melancholic ballad where the singer's voice is higher than usual, a real delight to listen to. Let's not forget about the tango interlude called I myeong, a beautiful instrumental piece during which you can easily imagine a real story: an all-consuming passion between a woman and a man, whispering soft words to each other, while the music, punctuated by a few electronic beats, is playing.

More groovy, Neoreul sakjje is a soul song, classy and seductive where Ha Dong Hyun takes Yungjin's place. And it works out very well! The song is perfect for the low and soft voice of the WANTED band member.

However, how could we discuss Polyester Heart without talking about its main song? Polyester Heart starts off with a little piano prelude called Neowa na. Dark and sad, classical but yet a little bit catchy with the help of Lee Yungjin's voice and the well placed chorus. Then, it's a completely different atmosphere that comes in where the synthesizer rules. The tempo follows the song, faster for the hooks and slower for the verses. A sweet song, nice to listen to, and one that will get your imagination working. A real success.

Nevertheless, even if we could think that it was the perfect song to end this album, Casker treat us to a hidden bonus track entitled Goyangiwa na Part 2 (Live ver.). It starts rather slowly with a lounge type of style and a relaxing mood. Then suddenly, the atmosphere changes to a more dancing one, giving you the urge to sing along. The violin contributing to the hook gives a real personality to the song. What a nice way to end this track, full of optimism!

This album, besides the very few hiccups, is very smooth and pleasant to listen to. Lee Junho and Lee Yungjin did a neat and meticulous job. Bimil, 2wol or even the bonus track Goyangiwa na are a few of the songs you should really listen to, if you're not entirely convinced about the greatness of this album yet! If you haven't discovered the electro duo Casker yet, Polyester Heart is the best way to do so. Check out Casker the electro duo that needs your support.

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