Live Report


08/07/2009 2009-07-08 00:03:00 JaME Author: yura


BRAHMAN's Philosophy: brief but intense

After the release of ETERNAL RECURRENCE, an album which contains newly recorded versions of songs from older albums, the band embarked on a promo tour, ETERNAL RECCURENCE tour, which began at Yokohama BAY HALL on June 10th. JaME was there for this extraordinary show from the band whose powerful stage performance has kept them engraved in the minds of many since they played in France in 2005.

This June 10th about a thousand people hurried to assist at the show, which was quickly sold-out like most of the dates of this tour. They wore t-shirts with the logo of BRAHMAN or other related bands like ENVY, jeans and sneakers; Surveying the scene, people immediately knew the show would be lively. The air was still sultry and hot, and knowing the band's music, the temperature was sure to increase a lot during the live.

Once everybody got into the packed venue, people still had to wait a little before hearing the first notes of a Hindu-like intro, which plunged the hall into a special atmosphere in reference to the band's name, and leaving the calm before the storm lingering. RONZI took his place at the drums while TOSHI-LOW came up to his microphone in the middle of the stage, surrounded by MAKOTO on bass and KHOKI on guitar. The environment was pretty dark without much light even while the first song HIGH COMPASSION resounded through the hall.

The songs followed each other in quick succession. TOSHI-LOW barely took time to breathe and start up again with renewed vigor in his interpretation of the band's powerful songs. RONZI blew steam off his instrument, beating the rhythm with strong and quick hits. Pure and simple punk, switching sometimes to more cheerful pieces, although keeping this incredible energy during the whole set. A guitar solo launched the first chord of GOIN'DOWN. Before you knew it, they'd moved onto the next song, which was even faster than the preceding. MAKOTO and KHOKI headbanged in unison, and due to their silhouette in the obscurity with similar long hair, they gave the symmetric impression of playing in a mirror. GO! GO! GO! The audiences couldn't wait to dive into the mosh pit, and it wasn't unusual to see a pair of legs passing ahead of the stage, giving the hall the appearance of a sea roughed by human waves.

As BEYOND THE MOUNTAIN was followed closely by The Void, the reigning agitation didn't decrease at all. Moreover it allowed the audience to feel the particularity of BRAHMAN's music: a special guitar's sound which gives the venue an otherworldly element, mixed with a purely punk drums' play and singing that's sometimes abrupt and sometimes agonizing. Adroitly composed, the songs are sometimes punctuated with a softer interlude, allowing the songs to start again even stronger until reaching a musical trance to which the crowd's bodies move perfectly in sync.

The rest of the set continued covering most of the re-recorded songs of ETERNAL RECCURENCE. The guitars grew faster, rejoining the speed of the drummer and of the whole concert. Even the ska tune GREAT HELP didn't slow down this infernal machine. After a screaming, brief onrush of insanity they returned to a self-styled calm; The story repeated itself, always with the same intensity which was like an electroshock, giving a new power every time. The rhythm slowed and increased, as if the waves which transported the audience were now inside the music itself. BASIS followed this movement until calming smoothly. The next songs were quieter, though BRAHMAN music is never restful. Only a few parts diverted attention in order to better surprise and give a new boost to the bodies pressed against eachother. In this vein, enter the song ANSWER FOR ... With the air of a ballad, the song's refrain reminded you this was BRAHMAN.

But the relatively calm interlude was over before long. Soon the bassist was jumping all around and the band led the whole audience in the abyssal THERE'S NO SHORTER WAY IN THIS LIFE, which seems to go faster as it progresses. The cheerful and positive CHERRIES WERE MADE FOR EATING followed. TOSHI-LOW didn't gratify the audience with the memorable high jumps he's known for, but gave his best dancing violently with his microphone stand. The end came too quickly, surprising everyone. The band seemed to have spent only forty minutes on stage, moving through the songs quickly without allowing the fans to regain their bearings. After a short song the four members left the stage.

The waiting enabled the more reckless fans - whose feet we saw more often than their heads - to get their footing facing the right way. After fifteen minutes of waiting, filled with a good selection of lounge music, the quartet resurfaced. The show started again as if it had never stopped. The peak arrived when the guitar part of THE ONLY WAY began. Then the sizzling of the drums' cymbal were added, and unbridled, the rest was added too, increasing tenfold the strength of the song. Microphone in hand, TOSHI-LOW sang the cult classic without restraint. But as every pleasure has its end, THE SAME closed out the live under a red light. Ostensibly a festive song, the refrain was darker and featured screaming in the chorus. The band poured all their power into this last song. TOSHI-LOW seemed to want to throw the microphone stand, which he eventually did. The microphone clashed out the last sound when it hit the floor, announcing that the members were leaving the stage.

The musical power of the band and their high energy on stage was enough to leave a more than substantial impression. However - although it was long enough for the people lost in the middle of the pit, wild and asphyxiated by this extreme energy - the live was a bit too short, just one hour without MCs. Nevertheless, we would be thrilled if the band could return to our region!


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