
A Brief Interview with Satsuki at Anime Expo

16/07/2009 2009-07-16 00:01:00 JaME Author: Andrea

A Brief Interview with Satsuki at Anime Expo

Presented by CURE, Satsuki attended Anime Expo in Los Angeles, where JaME was able to a quick interview with the newly debuted solo artist

© Satsuki - JaME
JaME was able sit down with Satsuki, formerly of RENTRER EN SOI, during a very busy day for him. As we sat in the back halls of Anime Expo, his fans were lined up outside in the exhibition hall at the Anime Jungle booth, waiting for his first autograph session to start. This autograph session was followed by an autograph session at the Cure Shop in Little Tokyo, and later that night was his performance at 2nd Street Jazz. Speaking sporadically in English, Satsuki talked about being in Los Angeles and his solo career so far.

So far, how is Los Angeles?

Satsuki: (in English) Glamorous sky. (in Japanese) The sky is very pretty. The wind is also nice.

Have you gone anywhere interesting?

Satsuki: This morning I went shopping at Melrose.

Oh? One of the shops in that area is Necromance, where hide of X JAPAN use to shop and design his own jewelry. Did you happen to go there?

Satsuki: No, I didn’t go to that store. I just walked around and shopped. I went shopping for rock-style shirts. Is Necromance on Melrose Street?

It is!

Satsuki: What? Really?! It’s on Melrose? (in English) I want to go! I love hide!

Do you have any interesting stories about your trip so far?

Satsuki: I went to Subway. Ordering was very difficult and the menu was confusing for me. In Japan, you don’t shout out what you want because it’s all pre-made. I didn’t understand.

Was Los Angeles what you were expecting? Or is it something completely different?

Satsuki: I was expecting it to be brighter at night, like in Japan. In Japan, during the evening everything is open really late and it's always bright. But here, everything closes and shuts down around 2 a.m. It’s different; I thought everything would be open.

What influences you when writing music?

Satsuki: I like songs that soothe and relax me, and so I try to go for songs like that when I write music.

How long have you been playing the guitar and piano?

Satsuki: I have been playing the guitar for ten years. The piano is a different story. I have always liked the piano but never learned it. Since I was young, I would go up to the piano and play with the keys. I have been learning little by little, on and off.

What’s the hardest part about playing the guitar and piano?

Satsuki: When playing the piano, you have to stretch the pinky finger to reach the keys. It hurts!

(Everyone laughs as Satsuki holds up his pinky.)

Satsuki: (in English) Oh! Same for guitar too!

Do you want to learn more instruments?

Satsuki: The violin!

When RENTRER EN SOI disbanded, was it your immediate thought to go solo, or were you able to consider other things?

Satsuki: I have been with RENTRER EN SOI for seven years, but then we disbanded and I didn’t really think about going into another band. All I knew was that I still wanted to sing, so I decided to go solo.

Your first solo release gave a very light clean feel that was almost like a fresh start - was this feeling your intention?

Satsuki: I really like music that is clean and soothing, but I wasn’t really going for that kind of music specifically. It’s just the kind of music I like.

So this kind of music sets the tone for the rest of the releases?

Satsuki: Of course I will go into other concepts, but I want to sing with a nice voice. My former band had a lot more shouting, but for now, I want to sing more beautifully.

How did you choose your backup members for your solo project?

Satsuki: (in English) My friends! They are my friends!

Awake was available as an exclusive release at your webshop; will future releases be more available to fans?

Satsuki: Yes, I want to be more available to fans and open it up. I would also like to do more things like Anime Expo.

You are just beginning your solo career and have already come to America. Will you be coming overseas more as part of your solo career?

Satsuki: I’m thinking about it because I like my American fans.

Do you want to go to other countries?

Satsuki: (doesn’t wait for the translator) America!

What cities?

Satsuki: (in English) New York…Los Angeles. I want to come to Los Angeles again! Again!

Please give a message to all of your overseas fans.

Satsuki: (in English) I love you. Please remember me!

JaME would like to thank Satsuki, CURE, and our translator Nobuko for the opportunity for this interview.


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