Live Report


18/08/2009 2009-08-18 19:00:00 JaME Author: polina


The new stars of the visual kei scene DELUHI played their sold out third one-man on July 30th.

© Akio Yokoyama
DELUHI’s third one-man was, like the previous two, sold out, even though O-WEST is a rather large venue usually inaccessible for bands so young, and the hall was filled with a colourful crowd. To make the wait more enjoyable, from time to time there were announcements like “please switch off your mobile phones” with funny comments from members, Sujk’s death voice lessons and notices such as “Please wait a bit for the start of the live. In the mean time please prepare your necks." With those messages the atmosphere in the hall was warming up.

Once the lights went down, to a new SE the members came out onto the stage one by one, as the masses screamed their names in death voice. The stage was decorated with red screens that could be seen on the band’s recent photos. The set kicked off with Rebel: Sicks, Shadow: Six, during which the audience jumped as did the members on stage and shouted along to the energetic song. Half way through the song Aggy and Leda joined the vocalist in the center of the stage, urging the audience on as he screamed “Let’s have fun until the end!” Following came the recently released upbeat and aggressive s[k]ape:goat, which had all of O-WEST jumping as one in the chorus, encouraged by the smiling members. NO SALVATION was performed in the remix version with an Indian flair in the electronic melodies, and as the members screamed into their microphones the crowd went wild. Some BGM slowly lead into the introduction of Freedom, a more fast-paced and intense song, in which heavy riffs intertwined with filigree guitar lines, creating a complex web of saturated sound.

During the MC Juri thanked the crowd and asked them to show the band their loud voices. He talked about the pre-release of Two Hurt which was happening that day, and continuing the set the band played Shade, the melodic but heavy coupling song from the new release. Leda came to the center of the stage with a fast and fluent solo, heavily resembling Western metal. Recall started with a piano introduction, then contrastingly had the audience head banging. A sinister atmosphere filled the hall during Living dead, which concluded with a lengthy guitar solo. Next was Vivid Place, which the audience enthusiastically jumped along to. Juri first sang intimately to the lively Leda, then went to the other side of the stage and sang to Aggy, who was also mouthing the words to himself with a mysterious smile on his face, and then continued the song with a powerful note.

The members left the stage one by one, only the guitarist staying behind. Leda went to the center of the stage and started playing a melody from Phantom of the Opera in a rather unusual musical interpretation. He walked around from one side of the stage to the other with a wide smile on his face, interacting with the audience and firing them up. As the guitar melody gradually changed, the other members quietly reappeared, and the vocalist announced Ivory and Irony.The perfect performance of this quiet and moving song seeped into the audience like no other and didn’t leave anyone cold. A change in the atmosphere came when a remade electronic introduction lead into Orion once again, as the members came forwards, firing up the enthusiastic head banging crowd, who danced and sent their warm feelings to the members by making heart-shaped signs with their hands. Sujk managed to play around with his drumsticks while delivering a perfect performance, and the other members did their best while spinning around the stage wildly. Juri asked the audience to sing the chorus, and twice the hall united in a strong choir of enthusiastic voices. The members seemed to be filled with the power of the crowd and looked even more energetic than they were at the start.

The vocalist thanked the crowd for coming, said that it is thanks to them that the band was able to get this far, and asked them to go even wilder to the next new song. The crowd got stirred up in the violent, fast and aggressive song that at times resembled classical Western metal bands, due to the heavy guitars, powerful drumming and the hoarse vocals, showing a new side in the development of the band’s music. “Raise your fists and scream!” urged Juri, and the fans followed his lead, their voices roaring loudly to the drum beats, and after having warmed the masses up more, DELUHI started the last song of the set. In HYBRID TRUTH as the members smilingly interacted with the audience, the crowd united in crazy headbanging. Stretching their arms out to the stage the audience screamed as the members left the stage.

After a while, screams for an encore could be heard and some minutes later Leda, with his usual devilishly glowing smile, jumped onto the stage and thanked the crowd. Aggy and Sujk greeted the crowd and took their places on stage, and as Juri appeared the guitarist was already playing a melody from the anime "Doraemon," and as the vocalist played along singing a couple of lines and the drummer supported the song with the beat, the amusing improvisation made the audience smile and scream with excitement. The band concentrated on the performance once again and started the encore with Baby play, the masses exploding with waves of head banging. The members switched places and moved all over the stage, and in the middle of the song they stopped to encourage the roaring crowd, after which Leda, having come out onto the middle of the stage, continued the song with his heavy solo.

Juri screamed, asking the audience whether they could still go crazy and urged them to prove their existence, and as the band played Two Hurt, the vocalist went up to Leda and put his arm around his shoulder, sharing the microphone so that the guitarist could scream along in the chorus. He then went over to Aggy and performed the same action with him. An inserted part of the song allowed the audience to head bang, shake their fists and scream to their limits, as the three members at the front of the stage went from side to side urging all present in the hall to go wild. Sujk screamed into his microphone, at times standing up and firing the audience up with the others, and finally satisfied the band continued the song as usual and ended the live with smiles on their faces. After thanking the viewers, hugging each other and throwing towels, picks, water bottles and more into the crowd, the four held hands and smiling wildly they and the fans united in a last jump.

After the band left the stage, the audience continued to scream for an encore as a video screen was lowered. On it three exciting announcements came – a mini-album to be released in November, a two-man tour all over Japan, and finally, exactly one year since the band’s first one-man, their forth one-man would take place in the large venue O-EAST. The audience exploded, their voices screaming “congratulations!” and another announcement came from the loud speakers, saying that the live was now over and the fans should move towards the merchandise stand. “This was Leda, this was Leda, this was Leda,” the announcement concluded, causing another burst of laughter.

DELUHI's lives are at an unusually high level for a band who has existed for such a short time. What's more, with every live they seem to be getting better and better at a fast speed. One should definitely keep an eye out on the amazing rising stars of the scene as their future activities are bound to bring more pleasant surprises.

Set list:

01. Rebel:Sicks, Shadow:Six
02. s[K]ape:goat
04. Freedom
05. Shade
06. Recall
07. Living dead
08. Vivid Place
09. Guitar Solo
10. Ivory and Irony
11. Orion once again
12. new song

01. Baby play
02. Two Hurt



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