
vistlip - -OZONE-

17/08/2009 2009-08-17 14:44:00 JaME Author: Rainn Laned

vistlip - -OZONE-

vistlip opens up with a new release.

vistlip presents themselves anew with their latest release, -OZONE-. Released in two versions, the limited edition is also known as -OZONE- vister while the regular edition goes by -OZONE- lipper. The limited edition comes with the video of -OZONE-; the regular contains the bonus karaoke track of the same song.

-OZONE- has a sort of fluttering sound that makes every moment of the song enjoyable. Tohya’s drumming really shines in this song; it adds a wonderful sound to the song as well. The guitar duet between Umi and Yuh is just heavenly, and Tomo's vocal skills give this song the heady feeling of unknown depth. Rui, not to be forgotten, has a bass line that guides the song effortlessly. As a combined force, they make this song a very pleasant one for old and new fans.

The second song, TWISTER, once again allows Tohya to be free with his drumming. It has a very clean sound, one that has the listener moving while enjoying the music. TWISTER shows the band’s potential - how they combine modern rock sound with something indescribably vistlip. The song has a rather abrupt ending, however, as it just switches into the next song.

Depending on which version you buy, the third song varies. -OZONE- lipper comes with Public Game, which picks up right where TWISTER left off. The change is a little surprising for unprepared listeners, but it smooths out eventually into fast guitar and bass. It makes up for the rough transition with another amazing guitar duet, its synthetic sounds, and aggressive drumming.

-OZONE- vister gives you the harder, more authentically vistlip song Mr. Grim. The song itself is rough, with its distorted vocals and fast guitar sounds. However, the vocals somehow manage to be light, luring the listener in with a slow yet inconsistent sound that rocks back and forth between rock and a fast waltz. Yet like Public Game, Mr. Grim has a moving sound with a wonderful swirl of guitar, bass and drums.

Generally speaking, the album -OZONE- presented a lot of vistlip’s strengths; however, at the same time, it didn't show much new material. This means nothing bad for the band - it just shows how they are still pulling from within themselves to make sounds that define them as a band and individuals. vistlip, still exploring and still reaching out, shows with this album that they are growing and will continue to grow stronger from here on out. -OZONE- is a testament to that unspoken oath.

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