
TOSHI with T-EARTH Interview

22/09/2009 2009-09-22 00:01:00 JaME Author: Andrea & Kay

TOSHI with T-EARTH Interview

TOSHI gives some insight on his new ecological rock band, TOSHI with T-EARTH

© Healing World Co., Ltd.
Aiming to spread his word of "ecological rock" overseas, TOSHI took some time to answer some of our questions about this new project of his. TOSHI with T-EARTH started in June of 2008 with younger visual kei artists and have performed in places such as Korea, Brazil, and Chile. So far in 2009, this new ecological rock band has brand new members, a new dual language album release, and it seems there's still more to come.

Please tell us the very beginnings of this band. Where did the idea for this band come from?

TOSHI: I had been singing healing music for the past ten years or so, but then my producer recommended playing rock once again.

Where did the term ecological rock come from?

TOSHI: At this period of time, I think there shall be no reason for me to play rock unless I am expressing and shouting for the essentials and ecological topics.

Are there other bands or musicians in the music scene helping you promote ecological rock? Are there any bands or musicians you would like to work with to promote ecological rock?

TOSHI: I hope to collaborate in various projects. I would love to play with any heartfelt musicians.

What do you think will be the particular obstacles you have to overcome for ecological rock to succeed?

TOSHI: I don't feel there are any obstacles for that.

In TOSHI with T-EARTH, you are trying out new styles of music. What would you describe this music as? How do you feel about doing this?

TOSHI: It's an edgier-fronted rock sound with ecological and essential lyrics, and my shouting! I think this is the most advanced and the most prominent rock sound of the entire world.

Is there a certain musical style you are looking forward to trying with T-EARTH? What style would this be?

TOSHI: I want our style of music to become the most advanced in this age as if it was performed by leaders of the music industry.

You had announced an audition for new members for T-EARTH. Can you please describe the audition process?

TOSHI: "Anyone who wants to contribute to our planet" was eligible for T-EARTH members. We chose the present members among many people who applied.

What sort of things were for looking for in the musicians for T-EARTH? Were there any auditions that stood out from the rest, either in a very good way or a very bad way?

TOSHI: What we most looked for as members for T-EARTH were that they should be interested in ecology (ecological matters), and that they should be pure, charming and technical at the same time.

How did you get to know RIKU? What made you want to invite him to T-EARTH?

TOSHI: He was the best among all the applicants.

Both RYO and KAIN were chosen by their auditions. What was it about their auditions that made you want to choose them?

TOSHI: We chose them for the same reasons that we chose RIKU.

Can you tell us what to expect from these new members?

TOSHI: I want them to feel a real joy and happiness by playing music with ecological, environmental, essential themes. I want them to be real stars in the coming age.

You have already performed in Brazil as TOSHI with T-EARTH. What was this experience like for you and was it anything like you were expecting?

TOSHI: It was a wonderful experience to be one with the hot and heartfelt audiences in Brazil and as well as in Chile.

Have your overseas experiences influenced you in any way for T-EARTH?

TOSHI: My past experiences overseas have been good preparation as we wish to extend our music activities globally.

Is there a place in particular you’d like to perform next? Is there a reason for this place?

TOSHI: We will go anywhere the audiences are waiting for us.

Could you tell us how your newest album TRUTH/Honto no ai was composed?

TOSHI: My producer, MASAYA, took the lead and the albums were created quite intensively during a short period of time.

Did Honto no ai get composed first and then TRUTH, or were they composed and written at the same time?

TOSHI: They were created at the same time.

Who were the musicians that were involved in Honto no ai/TRUTH? How was the recording process working with these musicians?

TOSHI: I created these albums together with the musicians who have supported the creation of T-EARTH’s sound from the beginning.

Your newest album is in Japanese and English. Why did you decide to do these two versions? Were there particular songs that came out different on each album?

TOSHI: I think English songs sound cooler than Japanese ones. I guess that's because the sounds and rhythms of the English language help them sound groovier too.

MASAYA has played a big part with your solo career. How has he helped you with T-EARTH? What are his thoughts on T-EARTH?

TOSHI: MASAYA is our total producer, and we cannot be T-EARTH without him. I think he feels the band has promise for the future.

In addition to T-EARTH, you are also involved with solo work and occasionally X JAPAN. How do you manage your time between all of these projects?

TOSHI: I mainly do my solo works, and will go anywhere as an X JAPAN member when needed.

In the first year of TOSHI with T-EARTH’s existence, you played with a number of young visual kei musicians. Seeing as you took part in the development of visual kei and watched the scene grow, how do you feel about the visual kei scene nowadays? What are some of the biggest changes you’ve noticed, both positively and negatively?

TOSHI: Times are constantly changing. I think every rock band, every visual kei band will always feel a great need for something fresh, new and pure.

Your albums are available for purchase from overseas via Bandcamp, iTunes and CDBaby. What are you hoping to achieve with this?

TOSHI: I hope our albums reach those who really need this music.

Just for fun: If you had magical powers for a day, what powers would you choose and what would you do with them?

TOSHI: I would love to fly to some southern island on my own and sleep!

Lastly, please give a message to your fans overseas.

TOSHI: Please listen to the music of T-EARTH and TOSHI HEALING!

TOSHI with T-EARTH's new albums TRUTH and Honto no ai are available for download at Bandcamp, CDBaby and iTunes (TRUTH/Honto no ai).

JaME would like to thank TOSHI and Healing World for the opportunity to do this interview.

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