

21/09/2009 2009-09-21 15:21:00 JaME Author: Jay


Absolute POLYSICS reveals a new side of the eccentric band.

POLYSICS has always been a band of extremes. Be it the psycho electronic band of the 1st P/A・D・S・R・M! days, or the more rock orientated band of the We ate the machine days, the band has proven time and time again that they will strive to shock, confuse and entertain their listeners. One may think that after We ate the machine, the band would try to get in touch with its electronic side, and with their newest release Absolute POLYSICS, they do just that and a bit more.

The first track is the intro they performed during the KARATE HOUSE tours, and it’s refreshing to hear an intro song, which has been lacking in the past few POLYSICS albums. The next track is their first single off the album, Shout Aloud!, which surprisingly sounds like their typical sound. Yet it sticks out somewhat on an album that is darker and more synth driven. The same can be said about the next track, Young OH! OH! It is carried along by synths, but still has the upbeat music that we have all become accustomed to from the POLYSICS’ previous works.

Saimin jutsu de GO is the first true look into the rest of the album. A dark synth loop plays over the intro, and Hiro comes in with his rapid-fire vocals. Midway through the song, Kayo comes in with a haunting keyboard melody that continues throughout the rest of the song. The next song, Time Out, is heavily influenced by the bands’ idols, Devo. The music is happy-go-lucky, stop on a dime music. Sadly, this is the instrumental track and is only 1:14 long, which is a shame as the band could have really developed it into a memorable song.

Up next is Bero Bero, which has an underlying, synth heavy theme that keeps the tempo upbeat. Hiro actually babbles in this song, which will make you either cringe or smile. Cleaning follows, and the band uses an approach much like the song Black Out, Fall Out for this song. A steady, dominating bass line lays the foundation, and Hiro provides melodic vocals. This song is a welcome breather for the halfway point of the album.

E.L.T.C.C.T dives back into the synth heavy department as Kayo takes over the vocal duties for the first time on the album. It is nice to hear her voice without any effects distorting it, making this song one of the highlights on the album. First Aid sounds like something that could have been on Now is the time! or We ate the machine with its more rock sounding base. Hiro goes back to speaking gibberish, which is again both annoying and endearing.

Fire Bison features the vocoder, which has been surprisingly underused on the album, considering the underlying electronic element. The next track, Eye Contact, starts of with a new wave keyboard line and an electronic drum beat. Once again, it seems that the electronic element far outweighs the human element of guitar, bass and live drums. Beat Flash follows with a sound that recalls to mind the KARATE HOUSE-style POLYSICS. It blends both rock and electronic music seamlessly. This is by far the most standout track on the album.

Speed Up is similar to Beat Flash, but a little less hectic. For the first time, all band members can be heard at any given time. It’s nice to have all these different aspects on one album because after a while, you start to wonder if Yano was involved in the recording of the album, or did he just become a support member? The last track, Wasabi, is another Devo influenced track. Led by Kayo’s vocals, the song sounds unlike anything the band has ever done. Kayo delivers some of the softest vocals on a POLYSICS track ever, even coming down to a whisper before the powerful bridge kicks in.

In closing, the band has managed to shock even the hardest of hardcore fans. Absolute POLYSICS is an album you will either love or hate, but you must make sure to sit down and listen to it with an open mind. The album has potential to grow on you, so even if you don’t like it at first, give it a few tries. Hopefully, the band will bring their songs to the next level when they tour in support of the album.

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