

24/01/2010 2010-01-24 22:31:00 JaME Author: Ruka


Visual band ALSDEAD's third single is another loud, wild release you can rock out to.

Single CD



ALSDEAD is a loud, unrestrained group, so fans of headbanging, screaming and raw, unleashed energy will especially enjoy their music. PARADOX is the group’s third single, and since their second performance in the US, during the summer of 2009, they’ve been gaining fans and recognition. Expectations were high for this single, which came out in November 2009, and fans of their previous releases and of loud rock music will not be disappointed.

A_Dust is a fast paced rock number enhanced by chimes and synths, though the emphasis is mostly on guitars. The chorus possesses an unlikely beauty thanks to MAKI’s raw, drawn-out notes, reminding that while this group is a heavy, loud band, they don’t neglect the melodic or sentimental. Also including a bridge with a headbanging rhythm, this track will no doubt be a joy to experience live.

PARADOX is a darker, more aggressive number from the start. While it is overall exhilarating and fun, the rawness of MAKI’s vocals indicate potential for growth in the future. Nevertheless, his screams are as hard core and excellent as ever, and the melody lines throughout are moving and ensnaring.

The final track, Cynical monket (No nai ranbu), is wild and raw until the chorus comes in. Still fast-paced and almost out of control, the beauty in the urgent melody is enhanced by the accompanying aggressiveness. Guitarist Shin offers an exquisitely chaotic solo that really carries the movement and unbridled energy of the song.

Overall, PARADOX is a single that visual kei and rock fans are sure to enjoy, and the songs will all be a blast in a live setting. This release does not top their two previous singles, which had set the bar very high, but it likewise does not disappoint. The talented group has another single coming out in January 2010, so we look forward to hearing what they'll bring us next.

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