
An Interview with LM.C

02/08/2010 2010-08-02 00:01:00 JaME Author: Lara Garnermann Translator: Lara Garnermann

An Interview with LM.C

An in-depth interview with the pop-rock duo about their recent overseas tour

© LM.C
After their tour across Europe and their appearance as guests of honour at FanimeCon, USA, the members of LM.C spoke about their experiences. They discussed their concerts, fans and the importance of the overseas market for Japanese music.

Moscow was the first stop on your tour. Did you have any ‘culture shocks’ when you arrived from Japan?

Aiji: I was surprised that the car was dusty. The air was that dirty, wasn’t it?

maya: I was surprised at how the dust accumulated. (laughs)

Moscow is visually a very stunning city. Did you get a chance to visit any interesting sites?

Aiji: We didn’t have any time. Next time I would like to do some sightseeing though.

maya: We didn’t have a chance to stop, and it wasn’t familiar, but I would like to. So, next time I want to go.

There have only been a small number of Japanese artists playing concerts in Moscow. How do you feel being at the start of this very up-and-coming area of music?

Aiji: We were very happy that there were fans waiting for us, and it's truly amazing for me and for LM.C that we can do lives in a new country.

maya: In my lifetime, I hadn’t thought we would have a chance to go to Russia, so I was really happy.

What was your favourite thing about visiting Finland?

Aiji: The live houses had a very good atmosphere, and just from that the tension went up.

maya: The streets, the air, the people. In other words, everything.

How did your concert go?

Aiji: When we went in 2009 it was also amazing, but this time we spent even better times with the fans.

maya: Just like last time, it was as brilliant as ever.

The landscape of Sweden must have been very different from that of Japan. What do you remember about it?

Aiji: This time we didn’t have any time to walk around on the streets but, last time we were there we felt there were wonderful streets. The townscape was beautiful. It was cute somehow.

maya: I remember the blue sky breaking through. You can't see it in Japan.

Japanese artists are very popular in Europe but in Finland especially. What do you think of this sudden market in a country half way across the world from your own?

Aiji: Of course I feel the business potential, but more than that, there are people all over the world waiting to enjoy LM.C’s music, and that more than anything else is an amazing thing. That’s become our motivation for making music.

maya: I still feel like it’s mysterious, but this time has definitely helped us expand those possibilities.

During the beginning of your tour, you played concerts in three countries over a period of three days (Finland, Sweden, Germany). What was that like? Was it difficult to keep so energetic?

Aiji: It was the most amazing three days. We could use trial and error, and adjustment so it was very useful. I was encouraged by the audience’s enthusiasm too, so keeping energetic was easy.

maya: It wasn’t difficult. There were no problems; physically, mentally, nothing was a problem.

You played three concerts all over Germany, so you got to experience a variety of German culture. Was Germany as you had expected it to be?

Aiji: It was a more amazing country than I expected.

maya: It was more than I expected. I got a lot of strong impressions once again.

Did you buy any souvenirs when you where there?

Aiji: The souvenirs were frankfurters; I bought them for all the staff waiting in Japan.

maya: Basically, I am not the type to buy souvenirs. (laughs)

Did you get a chance to learn any phrases in German?

Aiji: When I was shopping in the streets…

maya: I learnt a little for using in lives but when I returned I forgot them. (laughs)

What was your impression of the LM.C fans of Hungary?

Aiji: It was the first time I had visited Hungary, but there were a lot of really excited, crazy fans waiting for us. After we arrived at the venue many fans were waiting so we were really happy.

maya: The degree of enthusiasm was amazing. This time might have been the highest.

What did you think of the food in Hungary?

Aiji: Sandra from the catering staff’s Hungarian cooking was very tasty so, Hungarian cooking left a considerable impression on LM.C’s members and tour staff. (laughs)

maya: Amazing catering was prepared for us which was brilliant. At any rate the impression of that event will remain with us.

Your concert in Vienna must have had a small amount of fans compared to some of your other lives. Did you enjoy this intimacy with the fans?

Aiji: The amount of people was not a problem. I felt very at home so it became a brilliant live and we were able to spend a really amazing time with the fans in Vienna.

maya: At every venue regardless of the number of people, we felt as one since the last tour.

How did you find Vienna in general?

Aiji: It was raining, we didn’t get to walk in town properly, so next time we hope to!!

maya: I only remember the live. (laughs)

You had a gap of a couple of days between your concert in Vienna and Milan. What did you do in your free time?

Aiji: We were also traveling so, in the end we only had one day off in Milan, but we went sightseeing there.

maya: With the members and staff we walked in town. There was a bit of time so it was fun.

Milan is also known to be a very vibrant city. What did you think of the people?

Aiji: I got the impression that there were a lot of energetic people.

Did you enjoy the chance to experience real Italian food?

Aiji: This time we could eat delicious Italian cooking.

maya: At Burger King. (laughs)

Did you go sight seeing in France? Which places did you visit?

Aiji: In the daytime we couldn’t go sightseeing, but we went to the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe. The illumination of the Eiffel Tower at night left a deep impression on me.

LM.C was made guest of honour at San Francisco’s FanimeCon. What was it like being invited to an overseas country and being so highly anticipated?

Aiji: We were very happy…

maya: We were simply happy. Thanks to all the fans that gave us support over the country’s borders.

How was your autograph session at FanimeCon? Did you meet any interesting people? What were the fans like?

Aiji: We hadn't been in America for a long time, so we had an amazing time at the signing session and panel with the American fans.

maya: There were people with interesting cosplay. All the fans were cute, as always.

Manga and anime is also a big part of FanimeCon. Do you think this is a good way for people to learn more about Japan?

Aiji: Of course. I think Japanese society, culture and identity is reflected in the detail of the work too.

Do you read manga or watch anime? If so, what are you favourites?

Aiji: "Neon Genesis EVANGELION" and "20th Century Boys."

maya: Lately I haven’t read much, but I like shoujo manga.

Throughout your tour, what is the memory that stands out the most?

Aiji: The times when we met many brilliant fans and the amazing local staff.

maya: All of the fans’ smiles. And that they sang together with us.

Are there any countries that you would like to include in your next tour?

Aiji: Of course I want to go to every country.

maya: Definitely everywhere.

In all, what was the biggest difference between Japan and the countries that you visited?

Aiji: The atmosphere of the venues and the excitement of the fans before the concerts.

maya: To that extent, I felt there weren’t any differences.

Your most recent album, WONDERFUL WONDERHOLIC, has a very thought-provoking title, as do most of your songs. How do you choose these titles?

maya: I chose words that resonated with me at the time.

Most of the titles are also in foreign languages. Are you both very interested in languages?

Aiji: Yes, I am.

maya: I am interested. Only, I don’t like studying. (laughs)

LM.C really seems to be increasing their overseas market, not only with your recent tour but you have released many overseas editions of your CDs. What do you think is the importance of this overseas market?

Aiji: Something I want, as a musician, is to complete our best work and release it, saying we’ve realized doing that even outside Japan is a really amazing thing. Where business is concerned, the music market in Japan is continuing to be reduced. There is a pretty harsh truth so, in taking a worldwide approach I want to take an active approach. I feel the overseas market’s importance very much.

maya: There is importance whether there is a considerable demand overseas or not.

Many fans from the countries you visited will be reading this interview, how do you feel about this?

Aiji: I think that thanks to the internet, there is no time lag and that my words can be sent around the world, which is a really amazing, wonderful thing. Fans around the world too read this interview and want to feel LM.C closely, right?

maya: I want them to read it until they burn holes through it. (laughs)

Finally, do you have a message for your overseas fans?

Aiji: On this tour around the world we met the best fans, and we were able to spend some brilliant times! Also, again we were able to spend some amazing times together, so we are making new songs so we can come and meet again. So until then, please spend your time with your best smile listening to LM.C’s music. On the day we meet again we will have a lot of fun.☆

maya: We have started making new songs. On the day we meet again we will have a lot of fun. If you send letters I will read them so send them, ok? Thank you always.

JaME would like to thank LM.C and Pony Canyon for making this interview possible.


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