
the GazettE - NIL

07/01/2011 2011-01-07 22:23:00 JaME Author: Ruka

the GazettE - NIL

One of the most favored visual kei bands hits the US with a release containing some of their most representative songs.

Album CD

NIL (US edition)

the GazettE

the GazettE has recently accomplished the impressive feat of playing at the massive and legendary venue Tokyo Dome. To get a feel for the sound of this band which has been a favorite among visual kei fans throughout the world, NIL is a great starting point, and it’s an album longtime fans of the band will enjoy as well. Released in the United States on March 20th, 2010, it is a solid compilation of some of the group's hits.

The album opens with THE END, a nice, mostly instrumental piece with some moody digital synths, guitars and minimal vocalization from Ruki. Following is Nausea & Shudder, a fast paced rock number with some classic GazettE melodies and guitar; and at six minutes long, it’s more like two songs than one. The third track is Bath Room, a rock ballad offering impressive flair from drummer Kai during the chorus, plus a great guitar dialog between Uruha and Aoi. The vocals from Ruki become increasingly emphatic.

Track four is the raging Maggots, a fast paced mosh piece filled with death vocals and rioting energy. It's followed by Namaatatakai ame to zaratsuita jounetsu, a fun jazzy piece with notable bass playing by Reita. A good song to go wild to, the guitar solo is especially fun.

D.L.N is a lovely Gazette-style ballad, otherworldly and soulful. Ruki’s vocals really shine in this one as he puts the emphasis on the melody and clarity. Ornamental, glinting guitars and mellow drums quietly support the main melodies, and Reita offers a moody electronic bass solo. Up next is track seven, SHADOW VI II I, a fan favorite and classic for its combination of speedy pace, catchy guitar riffs and danceable choruses. Next is a song which sports a classic Gazette sound, Valletta. It starts slowly but launches into a racing and urgent chorus with beautiful melodies and flamboyant drums. An attitude-filled bass and flashy drumming each get their turn in the spotlight before the sprinting guitar solo takes over. Track nine is Cassis, one of the group’s more well-known ballads and a chart topping single. With memorable melodies, a guitar line that climbs to a screeching peak, and dramatic flair, it’s one of their strongest songs.

Following is SILLY GOD DISCO, which opens with Reita moodily strumming the bass.; it becomes a catchy jazz and rock piece. The eleventh track is DISCHARGE, a hard moshing song with wild vocals to match the intensity of the music. With ominous guitars, plenty of death vocals and beats perfect for moshing and headbanging, it’s a very strong number showing the band’s harder side.

The album ends with the well-known Taion, which showcases the dark, heavy side of the group. Atmospheric and unique, the song becomes a powerful rock ballad with an impressive, theatrical chorus of beautiful melodies. Showcasing rhythmic death vocals and lovely balladic singing, Ruki covers a lot of ground in this song. One of their most potent pieces, Taion is a strong finish for the album.

While the Gazette has already performed in Europe, hopefully they will delight their American fans with live performances in the States some day. Until then we look forward to more musical releases from this exceptional group of artists.

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the GazettE