
Q&A With Morning Musume at Japan Expo 2010

30/08/2011 2011-08-30 00:01:00 JaME Author: jucar Translator: polina

Q&A With Morning Musume at Japan Expo 2010

A summary of the Morning Musume Q&A session at Japan Expo 2010.

© Morning Musume. - JaME - Jeremy Corral
The popular idol group Morning Musume came to perform at the Japan Expo 2010, the largest Japanese culture event taking place in France. Along with a press conference, the group sat down for a Q&A session with their fans.

Let’s start with introductions…

Takahashi Ai: Hello, I am Ai Takahashi (in French).
Niigaki Risa: How are you? I am Risa Niigaki (in French).
Kamei Eri: I'm Eri Kamei (in French).
Michishige Sayumi: I'm Sayumi Michishige (in French).
Tanaka Reina: I'm Reina Tanaka (in French).
Mitsui Aika: I'm Aika Mitsui (in French).
Junjun: I'm Junjun (in French).
Linlin: I'm Linlin (in French).

We have been receiving questions on the Japan Expo website, thank you very much. But there were so many that we unfortunately will not be able to ask all of them so we made a selection. Let’s start with the first one: At concerts, what is the nicest song to sing and dance to?

Takahashi Ai: How do you like Japan? was very nice to sing; there is a lot of “Japan” in it.

Kamei Eri: Onna ga medatte naze ikenai is the nicest to dance to. At the beginning I sing and dance; I attract a lot of attention to myself.

As Morning Musume, which songs have you had the most difficulties with?

Mitsui Aika: It took me a month to learn the choreography for Egao YES Nude, so for me it was the most difficult one.

What do you do on days when you don’t work?

Niigaki Risa: I love going to Disney Park in Tokyo, but I haven’t had time to go to the one in Paris yet.

Linlin: Yes (in French). I sleep as much as I want, then I have my breakfast in peace while watching anime on TV. If not, I also work on lyrics to the songs.

What changed in your life after joining the group?

Michishige Sayumi: I gained confidence in myself and my cute side. I was envying the costumes of Morning Musume before I became one myself, and I am happy to be able to wear them now and to have become even cuter.

Tanaka Reina: Before I had a strong character, but since joining the group I’ve learned to work together with people and not be egoistic. Before, I acted before thinking, especially when I was angry, but now I take time for reflection.

What did you feel at the announcement of your concert in France at Japan Expo?

Takahashi Ai: Two years ago, a Frenchman told me that he wanted to see us come to France. Although it didn’t happen straight away, I was very happy at the idea of doing this concert.

Aika Mitsui, Junjun and Linlin, it’s been over three years now since you have joined the group. Would you want new members to join in turn?

Junjun: I would like new members to join, and I'd like us to become friends.

Linlin: I don’t think we are ready yet to guide new members, but if they come, we will certainly become friends.

Mitsui Aika: If other members were to join, since there are already Japanese and Chinese in the group, I would like for other nationalities to appear so Morning Musume can become more international.

Do you know a bit of French music? If yes, are there any artists that you like?

Niigaki Risa: I don’t really know French music, but I hope that my visit to France becomes an occasion to listen to it. If you have advice…Thank you! (in French, to the responses being called in the room)

In the album 10 MY ME we can hear the Chinese version of Ame no furanai hoshi de wa aisenai darô?. Would you like to remake other songs in Chinese in the future?

Linlin: Yes (in French). It would be nice in Chinese, but now that I’m in France I would like to sing a song in French.

What did you like most in French cuisine?

Kamei Eri: We already tried many things, but generally we all like pastries and sweet things. But among the different pastries there was a crème brulee, and I really loved that. But even more, there was the concert that we gave yesterday. We had fun with you, fans, and I liked it a lot and I would love to come back for another concert.

Tanaka Reina: We went to see the Eiffel Tower. It’s what excited me the most. Apart from that, on the streets I loved to see the looks of French people fixated on me.

What have you seen in Paris for the moment?

Takahashi Ai: So there was the Eiffel Tower, but we also had the chance to do some sightseeing in Paris last night. I loved the Louvre - we met French fans there, we took photos and it was a pleasure for me.

What did you think of the concert on Friday night? What are the differences between the French and Japanese audience?

Michishige Sayumi: I was very worried before the start of the concert, to know that there were so many people. Then I heard the people scream “Moumusu” (the audience, understanding what she was talking about, clapped during her response), and then personally they congratulated me for my birthday. I didn’t expect it but I was very happy. I want to say thank you to my family, my friends and the public for having congratulated me. Thank you! (in French)

What words did you learn in French?

Junjun: Je suis une adulte mignonne (in French; “I am a cute adult”).

Do you want to reintroduce a system of a single leader in “Hello! Project”, like there was in the second era?

Takahashi Ai: In the “Hello! Project” there are many other groups; we give concerts in summer and winter… I don’t know how to summarize it; now it’s like every group of the project does their concerts, but it would be nice if there was another chance to do this system of a single leader (laughs).

Are you still in contact with former members of Morning Musume?

Kamei Eri: They frequently come to concerts, and every time they do they send us messages to tell us their opinion. It’s good to have advice like that. Once I made a mistake when I wanted to call our manager, and instead I called Nakazawa (Yuko, from the first generation of Morning Musume), so I excused myself and sent her a text with a photo. I haven’t gotten a response so I’ll try to contact her again from France. I’ll give it a try right now and hope she will react.

Niigaki, in a certain video you said that you would bring a necklace in shape of the Eiffel Tower if you had the chance to come to France one day. Did you take it with you for this trip?

Niigaki Risa: Actually I left it carefully at home, but instead I bought earrings in the shape of the Eiffel Tower here in Paris.

Takahashi, it’s been nine years since you became a member of the group. Do you feel like doing some other things?

Takahashi Ai: I want to visit many countries, whether with Morning Musume or alone, to stay for longer than just for concerts.

Junjun and Linlin, you said before that they don’t usually put you into the first row in videos, but did you know that European fans want to see you there more?

Junjun: Linlin and myself are frequently at the back, but we have to keep on making an effort to be put not at the side but in the middle of the group, because at the moment we cannot be the center. If the fans could write so that this changes…

Linlin (after having asked the interpreter what the French expressions were): Ah really? Thank you very much!! (in French). I thank you for your support of us getting into a better place, into the center of the group. When we go back to Japan we will talk about it to the group straight away.

Unfortunately this conference is coming to an end, so to wrap it up we would like to ask Morning Musume your thoughts, and whether you have a message for the fans.

Linlin: I am very happy to have met our French fans here for the concert. Going back to Japan after this Japan Expo, I would like to continue studying French and to come back very soon to see you again. I love you! (in French)

Junjun: Coming to France was one of my dreams from when I was little, and it is thanks to you, the fans, that I was able to come. I didn’t have much time on this occasion, but I would love to visit Paris more next time. From now on I would like to make an effort to be able to come back soon. In any case thank you very much. We love you! (in French)

Mitsui Aika: In these conferences with many people, we are quite far from you, so next time I would like to really be closer to the fans, close enough to be able to see all of your faces. Thank you very much! (in French)

Tanaka Reina: I am very happy to have been able to come to France and meet all the fans here, because here I saw more than I had expected. This time we did not really have time to approach the fans and talk to them, so I am waiting for the next chance. Thank you very much!

Michishige Sayumi: The people I met here in France were really charming and nice, and I will make an effort to be successful in Morning Musume. During the concert many French fans sang with us in Japanese. I was very pleased by that and for this conference I'm speaking in Japanese, but I would like to communicate with you without having to go through an interpreter. So I hope to be able to learn French before coming back here.

Kamei Eri: Coming to Paris, I was moved by the visit and meeting the people, so when I come back to Japan I will share it with my family and friends.

Niigaki Risa: First of all, thank you for coming to this conference. During this Japan Expo I met many fans and I was very happy, so I hope for another chance to come to France and see them again.

Takahashi Ai: I have already heard in Japan about the success of manga and anime, but to see this in France has really made me happy. During the autograph sessions some fans cried, and that moved me. Seeing the number of fans in France like in Japan, especially at concerts, I think that I will be able to continue making an effort to have a good experience with Morning Musume and continue with them.


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