Live Report

heidi. Summer Holiday Project Day Two

25/10/2011 2011-10-25 00:01:00 JaME Author: Diana

heidi. Summer Holiday Project Day Two

Fun, teasing and rice balls make an appearance at nao's birthday live!

© heidi.
heidi. gathered at Shibuya’s Duo Music Exchange for a very special live in the company of their devoted fans on August 18th. The day was quite hot, no surprise when it comes to Japanese summer, welcoming to the colorful yukatas and casual t-shirts. As fans entered the live house, they were met by a very unusual sight. Red and white festive lanterns hung from the ceiling, dangling over the crowd and transforming the venue into an indoor Japanese Summer Festival. Summer Festival was indeed the theme for the show, although the late announcement may have explained the reduced number of fans in yukatas. Black heidi. t-shirts were the most popular choice of attire for the night, perhaps in anticipation for the jumping and dancing that would accompany the live. Greeting the fans by the door stood a giant heizo, the band’s goat mascot. Cheerful chatting eased the wait as the fans wondered what surprises would be in store on this special night set aside for the celebration of guitarist nao’s birthday.

On time, the venue went black, only to be invaded by dim orange lights as the paper lanterns came to life – the sight was beautiful! The crowd started clapping with the familiar intro as red and blue lights flashed, welcoming the band members who appeared on stage, one by one, clad in casual summer yukatas: drummer kiri and bassist kohsuke’s blue with white patterns, vocalist yoshihiko’s dark grayish and nao’s black with daring red lip prints.

Natsu ichizu opened the show and gave the audience an opportunity to warm up. Cheerfully, the crowd pumped fists in the air and bended back and forth with the choreographies. nao seemed particularly cheerful and sweet, contrasting a little with his usual stage-persona. As the guitarist moved around barefoot, singing the chorus zealously, the crowd clapped, right and left, before all hands shot up as the song reached its end.

The choreographies continued for Star Rain and Gekkou Showtime. yoshihiko displayed good voice control and balance as he stood with legs apart over two small platforms! kiri never stopped smiling, singing and head banging with the beat. The song ended and the crowd started shouting for nao at once. It was yoshihiko who took the microphone though, asking the crowd if they were having fun and adding “Me too!” as the crowd replied with a “Yes!” “Today is nao’s birthday and everything is red!” he said, greeted by shouts of “It’s so cute!” from the crowd. “And kohsuke has no hat!” he continued with a smirk. “I would like to apologize for having my yukata open but if I close it I can’t move!” yoshihiko explained before introducing Yuuyake to kodomo. nao continued twirling around the stage and finally took the front for a heated guitar solo. kohsuke also moved around energetically, inciting the crowd for the head banging.

kiri’s energy during Neon and Hyururi was contagious. It seemed as if the drummer was painting, graciously moving his brush in the air, each movement effortless. yoshihiko’s voice sounded a little tired during the latter song but the crowd didn’t seem to mind, moving eagerly to the beat as the vocalist encouraged them to give all they had.

A passionate guitar solo introduced Hoshi no koe, the bass following closely behind. The lulling tune caused the crowd to gently swing as the sweet ballad took over the room. yoshihiko’s voice matched the song perfectly, sounding very clear and powerful. The vocalist stood in character, completely lost in the performance, emphasizing the lyrics with every gesture. It was one of the night’s highlights and a memorable moment. The lights turned greenish blue and the dream went on for Sono yuku he. The bass and drums were very smooth, growing stronger and stronger as the ballad built up.

Annyui – during which nao graced the fans with a vibrant solo under red lights – was followed by Kane no naru oka. The jolly tune got the crowd jumping, easing the mood again. The jumping continued for Synchro with the audience waving hands from left to right. nao mimicked the fans, swaying to the beat and jumping energetically while yoshihiko moved around the stage, interacting with the crowd and the band. Visually it was very nice, the band controling the crowd with ease.

yoshihiko and nao were left alone on stage for the acoustic versions of Orange Drama and Sai. A loud cheer welcomed the two before yoshihiko took the microphone and thanked the crowd. “It’s just the two of us, right, nao-chan?” yoshihiko retorted with a smirk. nao seemed a little uncomfortable with all eyes on him and kept looking at his guitar for comfort. The vocalist went on with the MC, explaining in a familiar tone how nervous he was to be there for the acoustic songs. With the paper lanterns half lit the two drowned in the performance, nao helping with the chorus. Orange Drama ended and with the fans eager to hear nao speak, yoshihiko tried to pass him the microphone, saying, “You talk! It’s your birthday, nao!” With approving cheers from the crowd, the guitarist took the microphone to address them. “Are you having fun?” he asked before adding “Thank you all for coming! I’ll do my best so… have fun!” Without hesitating nao passed the microphone to the vocalist who revealed some funny stories about the other two members in an awkward MC the fans were so used to. The acoustic performance ended and yoshihiko called kiri and kohsuke back. “Sorry about the MC,” yoshihiko told kiri as he returned, the drummer using his sweetest voice to say “It’s OK!” The bassist on the other hand didn’t seem pleased and as he approached the vocalist, he hit him teasingly with a paper fan, exclaiming, “You’re a gossiper!”

The lanterns flashed fiercely for Hakuchuumu and Utakata, nao and kohsuke keeping up a flurry of motion along with the crowd who jumped. With the night approaching its end, both fans and band gave all they had. yoshihiko was very energetic, jumping and dancing excitedly. The show reached the climax with Mukuro and Tsuta tsuta, yoshihiko handing the microphone to kohsuke who shouted a happy birthday to nao, causing the crowd to yell excitedly. yoshihiko introduced Parade as the last song of the show. The band moved around, displaying everlasting energy as they incited the audience to put their hearts into the song. It was a great way to end the night and with many thanks and cheers, heidi. left the stage. Wasting no time, the audience immediately started demanding an encore. kiri was the first one back, followed by kohsuke, nao and yoshihiko.

”What day is it today?” yoshihiko asked with a smile and in unison, the crowd replied with a yell of “nao’s day!” nao sipped his beer, seeming adorably shy as the vocalist went on, “What shall we call him? nao?” Without hesitating, the fans yelled in one voice, “nao-sama!” The band laughed over the use of the over polite “sama.” “It’s funny so let’s try!” yoshihiko agreed before nao took the microphone and thanked everyone for their presence and support. Still in a teasing mood, yoshihiko exclaimed that nao looked cute, drawing approving laughter from the crowd. “I have a present for you!” kohsuke exclaimed as he handed nao a… rice ball. “Thank you!” nao exclaimed dryly, throwing the present on the floor. “I also have a present for you!” added kiri with a smile, giving nao another rice ball. Again the guitarist threw the present away, the rice ball flying towards kiri, almost hitting him. yoshihiko was next, giving nao a rice ball that went flying past the vocalist. With excited laughter from the audience, yoshihiko introduced the new song titled Under. Blue turned orange for the lively song with the crowd trying to follow the furi.

The old favorite Omaesan with its interesting choreographies and plenty of jumping was warmly welcomed, the fans surprised as all lights went off halfway through the song. With a soft light illuminating the stage, yoshihiko knelt down, handing the microphone to nao as he said “Here you are!” with a smirk. Trying to keep it cool but clearly embarrassed, nao sang “…omae san!” and went back to his place right away. Teasingly, kohsuke and yoshihiko asked him to do it again and he hesitantly complied, turning to kohsuke to say “You talk too much!” before singing again in a very embarrassed manner.

Sentimental ended the show with mosh and dancing. It was a great way to end the celebrations with the whole venue singing in unison. heidi. left the stage under cheers and claps, nao thanking the fans for their support with clear emotion.

We look forward to more surprises with heidi. and don’t forget to check the newly released mini-album!

Set List:
01. Natsu ichizu
02. Star Rain
03. Gekkou Showtime
04. Yuuyake to kodomo
05. Neon
06. Hyururi
07. Hoshi no koe
08. Sono yuku he
09. Annyui
10. Kane no naru oka
11. Synchro
12. Orange Drama (Accoustic)
13. Sai (Accoustic)
14. Hakuchuumu
15. Utakata
16. Mukuro
17. Tsuta tsuta
18. Parade

01. Under
02. Omaesan
03. Sentimental


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