In the ninth installment of the "Globalizing Visual Kei" web series, we will explore visual kei and the relationship of visual artists around the globe.
In the eighth installment of the "Globalizing Visual Kei" web series, JaME interviewed a number of press and industry personnel from promoters to magazines to learn more about the business side of visual kei.
In the seventh installment of the Globalizing Visual Kei web series, we will explore visual kei's involvement in anime, as well as its activity with American anime conventions.
Join us in the sixth installment of the Globalizing Visual Kei Web-Series as JaME learns about the experiences of musicians who have worked both within the scene and as members of visual kei bands.
In the fifth installment of the "Globalizing Visual Kei" web series, JaME investigates visual kei's history in Europe, Oceania and East Asia.
JaME presents its column, "Letters from the JaME Editors," with its second contributor, Silverfaye.