
SPYAIR Cancels Lives

11/06/2014 2014-06-11 08:44:00 JaME Source: OHP Author: Kularu

SPYAIR Cancels Lives

Rock band SPYAIR had cancelled two lives due to the deterioration in health of singer, IKE.

© Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.
Rock band SPYAIR recently cancelled two lives due to the deterioration in health of lead singer, IKE.

Vocal cord polyps and acute chorditis has been diagnosed, so the singer needs to undergo lengthy medical treatment, resulting in SPYAIR being unable to play the lives that were scheduled for May 23rd and 25th.

The band sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience, and while hoping that IKE will recover soon, they ask fans to continue to support them.

More information concerning IKE's health and the future of the band will be announced as soon as possible via their official website.

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