
New Support Guitarist for Moi dix Mois

17/10/2014 2014-10-17 05:27:00 JaME Source: Moi dix Mois live show Oct. 11, 2014 / Mana's blog Author: M. Denno Translator: vulpix

New Support Guitarist for Moi dix Mois

Moi dix Mois will welcome a new support guitarist in December.

© Midi:Nette
Moi dix Mois leader Mana held a show titled Deep Sanctuary IV at Akasaka Blitz in Tokyo on October 11th this year, with former bandmates Közi and Yu~ki as special guests.

During the show, Mana announced through Seth that he will welcome a new support guitarist to Moi dix Mois at the band's next show at Shibuya WWW on December 7th. Moi dix Mois also performed a new song during the concert, and Mana mentioned that he hopes that fans will continue to support the band in the future.

In addition, Mana, Közi and Yu~ki held a special session. As the audience expected, they played MALICE MIZER songs, using an instrumental version of Boi de merveilles as their intro. They performed two more songs: S-conscious and N.p.s N.g.s. An instrumental version of au revoir was used as the outro.