
Megamasso to Go on One-Year Hiatus

22/09/2015 2015-09-22 18:41:00 JaME Source: OHP Author: Christine

Megamasso to Go on One-Year Hiatus

Megamasso will go on hiatus for a year after their ninth anniversary live on December 16th.

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Visual kei band Megamasso have announced that they will go into "hibernation" for about a year after their ninth anniversary concert at Shinjuku ReNY, which will be held on December 16th.

In a message on their homepage, it was stated that the members decided to put the band on hiatus in order to focus on improving their music as individuals and to make time for their other projects. The message went on to say that when they decide on the date of their return it will be reported on their mobile fanclub and their website.

The members apologized for the sudden announcement, stating that there are absolutely no negative feelings between them and that this hiatus is purely for the sake of turning Megamasso into an even better band. They hope that fans will continue to support them in the future.


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