
Updates on sleepyhead

16/02/2018 2018-02-16 18:00:00 JaME Source: Press Release Author: Silverfaye

Updates on sleepyhead

sleepyhead has launched a Facebook page targeting overseas fans and released the music video of a new song.

© sleepyhead
As reported previously, ex-SuG vocalist Takeru recently started a new solo project, sleepyhead.

sleepyhead has released the music video of a new song titled Yamikumo (Cloud of Darkness) and announced its intention to be active around the world. A Facebook page targeting overseas fans was established and the preparations for advancing worldwide are ongoing.

News had become quiet around Takeru after the disbandment of SuG, but on his Twitter, Takeru drew attention by tweeting a photo of a waxing moon and “13040820 SEC HELL" every day. This was in fact a countdown corresponding to the actual moon cycle, the numbers representing the number of seconds from SuG's final show at the Nippon Budokan on September 2nd last year until the start of his solo project. Also, the countdown ended on the night of the “Super Blue Blood Moon.” Corresponding with this phenomenon on January 31st at 10:27pm, Takeru had announced the start of his solo project sleepyhead and its first live concert Tomei shingetsu (Transparent New Moon) at Shibuya’s TSUTAYA O-EAST in Tokyo on March 17th.

Takeru commented, “I experienced a taste of hell for 13040820 seconds. I don’t have a clear goal or answers and I’m unprepared, but I decided to step into the fog. I challenged myself to not join any label or management company for now, but to start completely on my own. There are many trials I have yet to face, but the concerts where I can meet you all will be worth it.”

The music video for Yamikumo (Cloud of Darkness) can be watched below:

Check out a video message from Takeru below:


sleepyhead Official Website:
sleepyhead Official Facebook Page:
Takeru's Official Twitter:

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