
FEMM to Disband

04/04/2023 2023-04-04 14:36:00 JaME Source: Press Release Author: Christine

FEMM to Disband

Mannequin duo FEMM recently announced they will be disbanding at the end of 2023, after 10 years together.

© FEMM. All rights reserved.
Mannequin duo FEMM recently announced they will be disbanding at the end of 2023, after 10 years together.

Their label “FEMM’s Agency Syndicate” has released an official announcement that reveals some of FEMM’s ideals and their “real purpose”.

You can read the statement below:

“From 2013
RiRi and LuLa have proceed their music career as "FEMM"
As of 2023, they have completed their role and decided to return to their original belonging -in the future-

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all “Agents"
Until today, you have always supported FEMM
Please let us take this opportunity to reveal the "truth" of FEMM

What FEMM really stands for is “Far East “Military” Mannequin”
These intelligent dolls were forced to perform proxy wars for humans in their era
RiRi and LuLa were transferred to the present age to change this scenario

When they arrived, their shape (body) of a doll was not accompanied
Only their "memories" reached two human girls, across time and space

These girls sincerely accepted their motives
Fully understood their experience, and accepted their wish to install RiRi and LuLa’s memory data (A.I. = artificial intelligence) in their hearts

This is how these girls and mannequins began to work together as one
It was an action to change the miserable future not only for dolls, but also for humankind
It was a movement to prevent new discrimination and conflicts

To achieve this, the method chosen by the four was "Music" which transcends borders and eras

All of you “Agents” have supported
“FAR EAST “MENTION = Give a warning” MANNEQUIN,” who was a combination of "Heart of a doll that borrows a human form” and "Form of a human pretending to be a doll"

Even though you half-way knew that they were neither a doll nor a human, you have always sent big, big love and watched over FEMM, which was no different from the love you give to a human being

That was the wish and goal for RiRi and LuLa
They have notified their other selves -Two girls who have grown into women- that their role was completed and they were to return to the future
These two women accepted

There's not much time left, but FEMM would like to spend time with you as themselves
(We will inform you again about their activity plan for their last year "Last Femm-Isation”)

And after everything is over…in the distant future

Someday, unknowingly you may meet RiRi and LuLa in their real form (as dolls)
Definitely, they will appear again somewhere in the world
Where did they come from?
We will keep that private until the end

Thank you, ’Agents' for sending so much love to the small existence of "FEMM", which was only two in the world
Please continue to pour unchanging love to those “other than yourself” around you

May the world be a peaceful place for all beings
And let the peace last forever

FEMM’s Agency Syndicate”

The music videos for FEMM's 2013 hit Fxxk Boyz Get Money and their recent tracks Crystal Ball, We Got Each Other and Falling For A Lullaby can be viewed below.


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