
moll'e node attacks and Blood has its revenge !

04/08/2004 2004-08-04 12:00:00 JaME Source: Official websites Author: Sxl (translation: Gally)

moll'e node attacks and Blood has its revenge !

In coming months, moll’e node are going to be quite busy ! Their first maxi single Haikei, aishiki hitoyo will be released on September 15th and will cost 1575 Yen. October 20th will be the release-date of a new mini-album called Bleak no orugoru that will be available for 2310 Yen. Finally, they will play their first one man show in Tokyo on November 28th.

The concert Blood should have played in Poland on September 10th seems to have been cancelled due to problems with the organizers. But Kiwamu refused to leave it and announced on the BBS of Blood official website that, instead, they should play on the same date at Columbia Club in Berlin, Germany. This concert should be the first one of their VENGEANCE FOR BLOOD tour. There will be two other concerts : one in Kassel, Germany, and the other in Paris, France. But please note that nothing was confirmed for now : we'll keep you informed as we get more information.