
Yoshiki and Gackt working together

05/08/2006 2006-08-05 12:00:00 JaME Source: Ambrosia, our live reporter at Otakon Author: Pierre RENAUD

Yoshiki and Gackt working together

While answering some fan questions during a public conference at the U.S. anime convention Otakon on saturday, August 5th, Yoshiki announced that he was working on a project with Gackt.

Yoshiki already made some collaborations in the past. He made the song Eyes of Venus in duo with Testuya Komuro and more recently he gave a try in the band Globe (also with Komuro).
But one of his most memorable collaboration was with Roger Taylor, drummer of the British band Queen for the single Foreign Sand.

More information coming soon.

Otakon 2006

YOSHIKI, the honored guest at OTAKON 2006 © YOSHIKI


YOSHIKI, the honored guest at OTAKON 2006

Exclusive one-on-one interview with YOSHIKI on the third and final day of the OTAKON 2006 convention: August 6th, 2006 in Baltimore, Maryland.

MUCC rocked at OTAKON 2006 © Danger Crue


MUCC rocked at OTAKON 2006

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Kitade Nana makes her US debut at OTAKON

Exclusive one-on-one interview with Kitade Nana on the first day of the OTAKON 2006 convention: August 4th, 2006 in Baltimore, Maryland.