
Various Upcoming Releases

06/07/2007 2007-07-06 12:00:00 JaME Source: official sites, brand-x Author: yukionna, Sanaka, kazuya, Translator: Lacy

Various Upcoming Releases

First up are several releases set for August 1st.

The Birthday will be releasing their 4th single. Titled ALICIA, the single will contain four tracks.

Sadie's Distract against the terrors live DVD also goes on sale on the 1st.

Serial⇔NUMBER will release a new single, GO ! YA !~ nuchigusui ~ NUMBER.

Next, new indie band Garret will release their first single, ZERO ISM on August 15th.

In addition, GHOST's two new singles, akai kumo and BLUE CLOUD both go on sale on August 29th. Both CDs will include a DVD with a PV.

Finally, Sel'm will be releasing their first full album, brilliant force, in 2008, though an exact date has not been confirmed on this early announcement.

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