
New Bands Featuring Familiar Faces

27/12/2007 2007-12-27 12:00:00 JaME Source: Official Sites, VKDB Author: Sanaka Translator: Lacy

New Bands Featuring Familiar Faces

Ex-GULLET and ex-Fatima members' new bands.

Ryo, formerly of GULLET, has returned after three and a half years away. His new band, 9GOATS BLACK OUT, will start activities in 2008. While the band doesn't yet have a drummer, the bassist's name is hati and the guitarist is utA.

Also, Kanoma, formerly of Fatima has a new band together as well and is going back to calling himself Hitomi. Soan, formerly known as Towa and also from Fatima will join him on drums. In addition, Zill, once known as Saburo from KuRt and Velo, known as Takumi from Haikara will be the band's bassist and guitarist, respectively. Moran, as the band is called, will hold their first live on March 29th at Takadanobaba AREA.