
New Releases from Kranze Artists

10/03/2009 2009-03-10 12:00:00 JaME Source: Kranze Author: Rast, R. Translator: Jacob

New Releases from Kranze Artists

LOGiQ and the bullet, up-and-coming bands from the Kranze label, have come up with new releases for the same day. Although there are not many details available, LOGiQ will release -SION, while the bullet will release ONCE AGAIN. Both singles will come out on April 1st and will be the third release of each band.

In addition, they will play in two events organized by their label, which will take place at OSAKA MUSE and Nagoya ell.SIZE on April 3rd and 4th. The concerts will also feature the project THE JEAN, which is lead by YUKIYA (Kαin) and also features SANA (ex-MASK) and RYOKI (ex-KuRt) on guitars and ICHIRO (Kαin) on bass.