
More Info on Angelo's Album and DVD

02/04/2009 2009-04-02 12:00:00 JaME Source: Official site Author: Rast, R. Translator: Claire

More Info on Angelo's Album and DVD

Angelo revealed more information about their upcoming second album and live DVD.

Angelo revealed more information about their upcoming second album and live DVD, both set to be released on April 22nd. The album, titled METALLIC BUTTERFLY, will feature fourteen tracks, including their most recent singles Usubeni no kakera, SISTER and CHAOTIC BELL. Its limited edition will also come with a DVD containing the music videos for HE IS A MONKEY, released on their first mini-album THE FREAK SHOW, SISTER and CHAOTIC BELL, plus Usubeni no Kakera's making-of footage.

The double-disc DVD, THE FRENZIED EMPIRE FINAL at NIPPON BUDOKAN -SPECIAL EDITION-, will feature 27 songs recorded from their concert held at Nippon Budokan on March 16th 2008, plus digest footage from their first American concert, which was held at Whisky A Go Go in Los Angeles, USA.

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