
JaME is Looking for New Members!

11/06/2009 2009-06-11 18:36:00 JaME Source: JaME Team Author: JaME Team

JaME is Looking for New Members!

JaME is recruiting new members for news, artist files, reviews and proofreading

JaME is once again looking to expand its English team to help with the following sections of the site. As good skills in English language and grammar are important to the roles listed below, we are only looking to hire native speakers for the English team. To apply, please fill out the application which can be found on our Join the Team page and state which position you would like to apply for.

News: Due to the vast amount of releases and events which occur every day in the world of Japanese music, JaME is looking for members to help keep on top of the latest news. Duties will involve gathering news from other sources, writing and editing newsitems and adding them to the website. Candidates should be able to contribute to the news regularly, as this is a very busy part of the website.

Artist files: JaME is also looking for people interested in artist files. The ideal candidate will have an interest in multiple music genres (especially J-pop and visual kei), have basic Japanese comprehension and be a motivated writer who can complete a minimum of four files a month which will consist of research, original writing and reworks.

Reviews: We are looking for someone who listens to a variety of music and can write a minimum of two reviews a month. Be aware that you may be asked to review something for promotional purposes, so you won't always be able to write about bands you like. Please also send in a writing sample.

Proof-reading: Applicants must agree to take an editorial test to demonstrate basic knowledge of English grammar. You must be able to work in a timely manner. Prior work with editing foreign language translations is a plus!