
Two New Visual Kei Video Messages Added to the JaME Channel

15/11/2009 2009-11-15 22:30:00 JaME Source: Hibiscus Music, Monster's inc. Author: Claire, Kay Translator: Claire

Two New Visual Kei Video Messages Added to the JaME Channel

Visual kei bands exist†trace and GLACIER have each added a video message to the JaME YouTube channel

Visual kei bands exist†trace and GLACIER have each added a video message to the JaME YouTube channel.

Having recently released their latest album Ambivalent Symphony in October, all-female visual kei band exist†trace have recorded a special message for JaME, which can be viewed here.

GLACIER have also recorded a message for their fans, in which the members introduce themselves to overseas fans and talk about their new single Kanasambana. This video message can be seen here, and a preview of the PV for Kanasambana can be watched here.

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