
Singles Collection from Alice Nine

21/12/2009 2009-12-21 20:37:00 JaME Source: OHP Author: Rast Translator: Andrea

Singles Collection from Alice Nine

Alice Nine announced the release of a singles collection called Alice Nine Complete Collection 2006-2009 for March 24th

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Popular visual rock band Alice Nine announced the release of a singles collection called Alice Nine Complete Collection 2006-2009 for March 24th.

This collection CD will feature, as the title suggests, all their singles released from 2006 to 2009 - from Kowloon -NINE HEADS RODEO SHOW- to their most recent single, Hana. It will also include the main songs from all three of their full-length albums, including Velvet, cosmic world and the beautiful name.

A short tour called Kikagaku no ri will also be held to promote the release, starting at Kawasaki CLUB CITTA', in Tokyo, on March 22nd and ending at Zepp Tokyo on April 10th, spanning a total of eight dates.

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