
K-pop Artists and Fans Lend a Hand to Haiti

23/01/2010 2010-01-23 15:04:00 JaME Source: Star News Author: Gobbie

K-pop Artists and Fans Lend a Hand to Haiti

K-pop artists and fans help Haiti

A number of K-pop artists and fans have joined in line to help out Haiti.

These artists include Epik High, Sean of Jinusean, U-Know of DBSK and T-ara.

Epik High sent clothes and other materials a few days ago and other K-pop artists made public donations. Other artists such as Drunken Tiger, T and YB are looking for a way to help and using their Twitter to get people to donate. Meanwhile Seo is trying to decide between two Haiti organisations to send their money.

Fans are also actively lending a hand.
Seo Taiji's fans have always made a donation on his birthday, the 21st of February, to KBS Love Request, but this time they are changing to Unicef to help Haiti.

2PM's fan club, Underground have made a donation under the name of 2PM Jae-beom with a little wish for his return. On top of this, they are also making donations to other charities including children in need.

DBSK's fan site is in the process of collecting money and so far have 1,500,000 won, and this is to continue until the 28th. They have claimed that before they are fans of the star, they are individuals wanting to help those in need. In addition, their contribution is under DBSK's name too.

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