Na hun Europese tour nam Dir en grey’s gitarist Kaoru de tijd om met JaME te spreken over de afgelopen tour, zijn verbondenheid met de fans, en meer.
Setelah tur eropa, Kaoru, gitaris Dir en grey, meluangkan sedikit waktunya untuk berbincang dengan kami mengenai tur yang telah berakhir, hubungan dengan fans dan banyak lagi.
After their European tour, Dir en grey's guitarist Kaoru took some time to speak to us about the previous tour, his connection with their fans and more.
Dir en grey's second trip to Poland saw them play a solo concert in club Stodoła.
Dir en grey faced the audience of one of the biggest metal festivals in Europe in Gothenborg, Sweden.
Dir en grey have been scheduled for several more stops throughout Europe, following the announcement of festival appearances this summer at Rock am Ring, Download Festival and others.