active 2005

abingdon boys school

JaME's 5th Anniversary: Contest, Part B © JaME


JaME's 5th Anniversary: Contest, Part B

Join for a chance at winning various autographed goods from D'espairsRay, abingdon boys school, Aoi, INORAN, Versailles and Matenrou Opera!

abingdon boys school Single Postponed © JaME


abingdon boys school Single Postponed

abingdon boys school's upcoming single JAP, which was set to come out on April 22nd, has been postponed to May 20th.

abingdon boys school - STRENGTH. © JaME


abingdon boys school - STRENGTH.

a.b.s. drops another hot and heavy single.

abingdon boys school's JAP © JaME


abingdon boys school's JAP

abingdon boys school have announced the release of a new single called JAP for April 22nd.

abingdon boys school's STRENGTH © JaME


abingdon boys school's STRENGTH

abingdon boys school will release a new single, STRENGTH, on February 25th.

Live Report of abingdon boys school at Zepp Tokyo © DIESEL Corporation

Live Report

Live Report of abingdon boys school at Zepp Tokyo

The streets were filled with fireworks, but inside Zepp Tokyo there was a different spectacle to behold...

New Song From abingdon boys school © DIESEL Corporation


New Song From abingdon boys school

abingdon boys school will perform JAP, the theme for the upcoming PSP game "Sengoku Basara BATTLE HEROES."

abingdon boys school - BLADE CHORD © DIESEL Corporation


abingdon boys school - BLADE CHORD

abingdon boys school delivers a worthy sequel.

Interview with abingdon boys school © DIESEL Corporation


Interview with abingdon boys school

abingdon boys school speaks about the origins, workings, and opinions of the ensemble.