active 1993

Plastic Tree


Plastic Tree Thanks Taiwan © Plastic Tree

Live Report

Plastic Tree Thanks Taiwan

Plastic Tree stopped in Taipei during their Live House Tour... just to say "thank you."

The Business Side of Visual Kei: Interview Excerpts © Lydia Michalitsianos


The Business Side of Visual Kei: Interview Excerpts

In the eighth installment of the "Globalizing Visual Kei" web series, JaME interviewed a number of press and industry personnel from promoters to magazines to learn more about the business side of visual kei.

V-ROCK Disney Cover Album © THE KIDDIE


V-ROCK Disney Cover Album

Various visual kei bands are collaborating to release a Disney cover album on September 7th

Globalizing Visual Kei: The Rise of Visual Kei - Europe, Oceania and East Asia © Lydia Michalitsianos


Globalizing Visual Kei: The Rise of Visual Kei - Europe, Oceania and East Asia

In the fifth installment of the "Globalizing Visual Kei" web series, JaME investigates visual kei's history in Europe, Oceania and East Asia.

Introducing Globalizing Visual Kei: A Web Series © Lydia Michalitsianos


Introducing Globalizing Visual Kei: A Web Series

The "Globalizing Visual Kei" web series will take fans and researchers on a thirteen-week journey to learn about visual kei — inside and out.

Plastic Tree Ammonite Sho at Zepp Tokyo © Plastic Tree

Live Report

Plastic Tree Ammonite Sho at Zepp Tokyo

Masters of simplicity, watching a Plastic Tree concert is like being stunned by the inverse beauty of a photographic negative.

Zy 56: Plastic Tree © 2011 Zy.connection Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Zy 56: Plastic Tree

A fossil evolving in darkness

Zy 55: Arimura Ryutaro © 2010 Zy.connection Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Zy 55: Arimura Ryutaro

And forward into the future